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Nebuleus Project mod

BioGen Leader

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Hey guys. For those of you that go on Massassi you probably already know me but for those who don't im Bio and I run the Nebuleus Project JO mod. Im just posting this so you guys know that we are under way. The website will be up soon and I'll be posting some teaser screenshots of a few weapons and a level in the making (there will be more, off course). Till then heres a bit of the story to tide you over: "My name is Arkon, and it is 2149. The human race is in a struggle for survival and is losing in what is known as “The War.” I am 27 now and stationed on the Obelisk Zend, part of the Terrian Fleet. The war started 25 years ago, on an attack on the station of Omega 9 on the outer edge of our galaxy. I was 2 when the massacre of Omega 9 took place. The alien race known as the Sedition went fast, too fast, my parents died before they could escape and I was sent in pod toward Terrian space. Within 15 hours the Obelisk Zend, a military ship on patrol picked up my pod and I was trained as a soldier." The Nebuleus Project mod will (we hope) feature Single Player and Multiplayer modes, along with new multiplayer types, vehicles, and other goodies. I'll post the link to the website once we get it totally up.

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