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Playing for fun vs. perfection . . .


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I've learned not to focus on being the best scoring person in JK2.


When I played QW (DM, Rune, TF, Matador, etc), and Q3 CTF/DM I'd often score at the very top or second at the end of each match.


Eventually it simply gets boring to be better than most people.


Now with JK2 I just play mostly for fun - sure learn the moves and skills, but I take it much more slowly and have fun with tricks and things.


Anyone else doing this with games as well?


Just curious ...

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Heh, if you care about style, I'd suggest that you play Action Half-Life or Opera instead of CS. Im all for style, especially in duels. Not to say that frags (or more precisely: winning) are completely meaningless when you go fore the style. Its hard to look cool if you are dying all the time, after all.


Completely owning everyone gets old fast. Having a long and stylish swordfight with all sorts of cool stunts and moves doesn't.

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I said it a bit too harsly, I didn't mean that its completely impossible to play CS stylishly. I meant that there is a lot more emphasis on the style on those other mods. I never liked CS much (and I did try every version except the very latest ones), but that is beside the point.

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i play team ffa's or ffa's with and without guns. i've had the game since the first week, and started playing MP a week after i got the game, and i sucked ass at it. i was getting drained, so i started using the saber only against drain/grip/lightning, and only healing. i started being able to beat the dran grippers with only the saber, then i picked apart all of the other cheap tricks, until i could beat them all with the saber, fairly consistently. and then i learned guns, and it was all over :p i started to get bored, now i go whole games only saber, only sniping, only pushing and stuff. its fun :)

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