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vis wont run??


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well ya vis calculates the way the light bounces, and i know this from experience mapping using worldcraft for CS. I am using bsp FullVis, but when i go ingame, it is obvious that everything is as bright as possible and the light entities have no effect on the brightness.


and when i run bsp fullvis, it goes thru the bsp process, i can play the map, but it ends and then it gives a filepath...


C://Program Files/LucasArts/JKII/GameData/base


or something, then below that filepath it simply says "C:\" like my bsp commands are getting screwed around with and their full instructions are not there/not being read....

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VIS is the process of splitting up the binary tree, it has nothing to do with lighting...


First do a FullVis on your map... then do a relight, the relight usually takes longer (If you only make a change to lighting, obviously just perform a relight). With quake 3 it shows you every step of the lighting, vis, and ai, i dont know why Raven decided to hide the steps from everyone...


Justin "Jesterspaz" Negrete


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