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md3 exporter


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mkay.. lets say i have done my model.. capped it ...

created all 4 lods ... assigned the bones

now i have to export it to md3 load it into the mdlviewer and export to glm right?

doesnt sound that hard but....

i cant find a good md3 exporter for max4.2

i've been searching the web but i only found max3 exporters and some max4 importers...

can anyone help me on this?

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no, if wanted to build a weapon model then you would export it from max as a md3 and fix it up in md3viewer. BUT since you want to create a player model you have to export it from max as an XSI file. Then you have the fun of trying to get assimilate to apply the animations to the model/xsi file.

Assimilate is a bitch, if anythings wrong at all it wont let you do it.

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Model: "currentwork"


Sequence "KYLE_MODDED": ASE/XSI/GLA file not found: "w:/Game/base/radiant/currentwork/kyle_modded.xsi"

Sequence "_HUMANOID": ASE/XSI/GLA file not found: "w:/Game/base/radiant/currentwork/_humanoid.gla"

Model has both GLA and XSI files specified. Pick one method or the other


(3 faults)




is there a tut or manual or whatever that might help me?

actually i have no idea how to handle that bitch

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sithlord posted this ; -----------


as for converting kyle.xsi

first extract the files from the assets0.pk3

put the file from the models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla

into a directory seperate

for instance



then put the root.xsi Kyle file in the same directory, or for instance whichever model you have exported from 3d studio. This model will have to already have been run through 3d studio and had all the vertices weighted, if this has not been done, for instance if its a custom model, then carcass wil come up with errors telling you which parts have not been assigned weights.

ok next part


take the assimilate and carcass exe's from the tools and put them in the base folder (c:\base\) or wherever you have easy access to

open assimilate

go into the preferences/setup area, in the second menu

and point the program to the carcass file directory

delete the enum path, and the base quake 3 folder path


go into 'add file', select thehumanoid.gla file

then go to Build file, its best to name it as model.car


this should create a model.car and model.glm among other files

the .glm file is what you will use to view in modview


the naming of model.glm is what they have setup for the character models ingame. The reason for setting the model up in the \_humanoid\ folder is because otherwise you will have to export the humanoid.gla file within your pk3 which will add 10 mb to the file size and is unnecessary, this makes it look for the humanoid file in the right directory. When you zip it up for pk3, make sure to zip up the full path - i moved the files for say, jango, into a directory c:\base\models\players\kyle\ so that it would act as a replacement for kyle ingame, for testing purposes.

that is how i was able to export files from 3d studio, including bloodriot's jango fett.

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damn.. 3:20am time to hit the bed

i'll weight the coat vertices tomorrow...

and i'll try to fix that "cubic skale keys" error

dunno how but maybe somene can help me about this

lookin forward to see my modl ingame

as soon as i've done that i'll create better lods (just copied them)

and then release the model

Kyle in coat

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ok -- is it really true that player models HAVE to be run through assimilate? I don't have any way to get my models into xsi format, as i don't own 3dsmax, don't plan on downloading it in warez format (is a biatch to get running right on WinXP) and I have gmax - which does not yet have an xsi exporter that i know of =(


So my question is this -- i want to get an md3 i made into glm format with bones and _humanoid animations correct. How might i do that? I can't even attach the model to a bone set as i don't know how to get at some bones to attach to it. It does seem assimilate would do the job, but alas, xsi is not to be =(


another thought -- any chance that the other existing player models might get released as xsi or at least md3 or some other editable format? I would love to start messing with Jan, or some other characters to make them more "default" (for example, no vest, gloves, etc..) so that more skins can be applied to a simpler model. An example of this is the prisoner model. Straight human male with no extra items attached. I would even love to turn on some of those pesky surfaces, as the prisoner has a bald version that would be perfect for some skins I have in mind...


thoughts are welcome.. Flames are ignored...

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I finally got a program that will let me make xsi -- and i get one error only - the same error as my friend above.


XSI import failed, File Contains 'Cubic' scale keys


Anyone know what the hell it is talking about?


maybe i need to just go ahead and get 3dsmax

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I know that SoF2 (The other game using the same physics system as JKII) isn't in stores yet, but have any of you heard of an XSI plugin fo 3DSMax 3.x?


Oh, yeah it is a bitch to install Max R4 on XP. Some guy hired me to do it for him, I couln't manage. It's really screwed up, but 3.x works fine he says.


Another thing, personal opinion. GMax sucks. It is a good initiative, but far too many developers break their promises to make GMax and their game compatible. Many say that GMax and relevant UI's and plugins will be "included on the game CD"... but nothing, and still they say that it's coming... THAT*S bothersome.

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