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Ok I want to make a skin for Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast, can someone give me a link or just tell me how to do it? I already tried, but it wouldn't turn out, I got the icon pic going, but the character won't show, someone please help me.

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Okay, through my experience with this whole skinning thing, it's absolutely essential that you have your file paths correct.


For instance:


c:\program files\lucas arts\jedi outcast\game data\base\models\players\(your character name here)


Once in your character's folder, make sure you have all the files you need. This includes all the modified jpgs and cfg files.


ALSO important!!! Make sure you modify the model_default.skin (save under a new file though like model_default_hunk.skin).


Hunk is the character I skinned so I'll use him as an example from now on. Wherever you see hunk, replace with your character's name.


In the model_default.skin file (open with wordpad), make sure that the path of each line leads to your character's skin.






So in this case, replace 'hunk' with your character name. Do that for all of the lines in that default file and REMEMBER to save that file under a different name just for backup and reference purposes.


Once you change all of those lines, save it out and test everything. If everything in the cfg files were changed correctly, it should work...all assuming that your skin files were renamed properly to match the cfg file.


If you have any other questions, please ask! I'll do what I can to help. I'm stuck trying to get my Team FFA models to work right now. :(

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