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need map help

Bio Warrior

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heres how JK2radiant compiles files:


Go to BSP and do FullVis. Once sof2map is done, the .bsp is put in the base/maps folder (as long as the assets files are uncompressed).


heres how JK2 reads the maps:


For singleplayer, just go to the console and type 'devmap yourmaphere' w/o quotes. for multiplayer, it is a bit trickier: you have to make a .pk3 file for the map. A tutorial for this can be found at http://www.planetquake.com/bubba/mapping.html. i dont know why JK2 wont read maps you put in the maps directory. Thats should be about it.

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the options for BSPing the map under JORadiant are under the BSP menu. To BSP your map for full real gameplay select BSP FullVis. Now understand it's going to look like it did nothin. In fact a little dos window will come up and look it's finished. Don't close it. Let it sit there. You should notice your pc working a little. That's the sof2map program running and bsping the map. the console in JORadiant will let you know when the bsp process is finished and whether or not it was successful. then you need to create a "yourmapname".arena file. like if your mapname is ffa_isuck.bsp, then your config file should be isuck.arena. what you put inside should look like this:



map "ffa_yourmapname"

longname "The Title of your map"

type "ffa"



the type line can be used to determine what types the map should show up in, like ffa (free for all), ctf, duel, and so forth. enjoy!



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