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Keybind to drop flag


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Thanks. Yeah, the kill command will work, but not to the desired set of results I would wish.


While it is difficult to coordinate flag passes on public servers, it could be most helpful in a clan match.


Unlike some of my other (past played as of now) games like Tribes 2 and UT, CTF in JKII has some important differences, namely force speed and rage in CTF matches. Maybe that is why it isn't available as you say.


Still waiting on any definite answers though. Is your answer specullation or fact?




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they SHOULD introduce a "drop flag" bind, only becuase It adds to the strategy. And to also make the "dropped flag Return" a much longer duration. I find it annoying that when a teammate gets killed and the enemy has not picked up their flag, that it only takes like 3 seconds and then it gets returned. I think the duration should be increased, to like a minute or so.

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I think that's carried over from Quake 3... you couldn't drop the flag in that game either. :\


I don't think it should be added, though. With some coordination, a team could be force speeding all over the map, and when they run out, they just drop it to their teammate that's been waiting there with a full force bar, while the previous runner slows down any pursuit. That's some realy nice teamplay, but there's no real way to counter it. (Besides getting to the flag-carrier-in-waiting before the current FC does, but a team could change up where to wait, and so on... it'd be a mess.)



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Good comments.


After reading some of these posts, I now agree that a flag pass should be left out of the game.


I think you are right. With the force powers of speed and rage (especially those 2 in combo) it would make it near impossible to ever retrun your own flag.



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