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GENIUS idea for a duel mod!!!!!!


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You now how almost everyone uses the red stance cause of its power, right? Why not make a mod that strips the shields of both people and makes every hit deadly depending on where the hit lands? Instead of the damage dependent on the stance, make it dependent on the location! IE, arm hits do some damage, but chest and head hits are fatal. This would rid the imbalance cause by the red stance.

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True but, If they had it by the location your hit, the yellow and red stance become usless because their slow, and if you can 1 hit kill someone by hitting them in the head by swinging super fast no one would want to swing medium or slow.

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Thats the entire point! In the movies, did you ever see the people constantly switching their lightsabers power? I didnt. In this mod, there is only one stance! I dont know whether it should be the yellow or blue stance , probably yellow because it cant be chained indefinitely.

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Your playing against newbies then. I switch my stance all the time. I like the placement damage idea, just not 1 hit kill like "busido blade" plus, its too easy to hit the head, the matches wouldn't last very long, or it would be one person running and another chaseing. :c3po:

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In the movies, did you ever see the people constantly switching their lightsabers power?


Yes. Watch Luke in ROTJ, when he gets angry at the mention of trapping Leiah he TOTALLY changes his style into a quick agressive attack instead of his normal defensive style (like going to blue from yellow, which is particularily effective against Vader since Vader seems to use a redish slow-but-strong stance ;) ).


So as for your idea, it would ELIMINATE red. What could work is making red a slower style, but make it so that its a straight up-down style so head shots are more likely, while blue spins and does side attacks, so as not to hit you i nthe head as well.

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In Episode I Qui-Gon uses the red stance while Obi-Wan seems to use either blue or yellow, while Vader in TESB starts out using heavy stance then towards the end of the fight he uses a quicker two handed stance against Luke (after he was blown out the window onto the ledge) perhaps you could have some stances fixed for certain characters, for example Obi-Wan could use blue-yellow stance while Qui-Gon could use yellow-red stance.

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