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For Those of you with Linksys (4-Port?)


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This may only apply to people with Linksys 4-Port, or maybe to ALL Linksys users:


If you host a server and don't see it on the games list and/or no one can connect (4-Port users will have this problem), try this to fix your linksys and allow users to play on your server(s):


Step #1: Create a server on JK2 and check your IP# and find your port. it'll probably say "Connecting to" 28070 is the normal port for JK2.


Step #2: Open an internet browser and type in the address bar. It should pop up with a sign in window for linksys. Type in your username and password, and if you did NOT SET a user name and password, leave the name blank and type in ADMIN as the password.


Step #3: After accessing your linksys settings on your broswer, click the advanced tab. From there, click the forwarding tab.


Step #4: Where it says "Sevice Port Range" type in your JK2 port 1 time in both boxes. EXAMPLE: 28070, and in box 2, type 28070.


Step #5: Make sure your protocal is set to Both.


Step #6: under IP Address it should have written "192.168.1.". Write in your computer's 100 number in the space provided. If you do not know it, click START, click RUN, and type WINIPCFG, then select Linksys and it will show your full IP#. EXAMPLE: My computer's IP is, so I put 102 in the space provided next to the incomplete IP.


Step #7: Now just hit apply, restart your computers, including ALL computers using your Linksys.


Step #8: Load WINIPCFG, select Linksys, hit "release" and then "renew". Repeat for ALL computers using the Linksys.


Step #9: load your internet browser and make sure your internet is still working on all computers.


Step #10: If it still works, load JK2. Create your server, and check the main list of servers. If your server appears, you've done it successfully and people can now connect. If your server DOES NOT appear, this can mean 1 of 2 things:

1. You made a mistake and did not fix your firewall

2. You DID fix it, and it IS working, but your server is just not showing up on the games list.


If anyone has any questions please ask... I would also like to know if all Linksys users have this problem, and if so, did this fix it?

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I did the simliar thing to my computer, im making a duel only server, but its for my freinds only and we dont play all the time, when i did this it doest allow me to play online, if your server is separate from the box you wanna play online with, i move the port for the server to 28071 but i was wondering what is the rang of ports JK2 will accept? and use?

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My computer used to be (where I forward the 28070 to) now it's I don't know what did it, it may have been shutting it down cuz it was off all day..


The only way to check is to load winipcfg.. I suggest everytime you shut your computer down (restarting to?) you check your winipcfg because there's not really much way of knowing if ur IP# has changed..


If it does, go into the Linksys settings and forward the port to your new IP

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