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ok it took me all of 5 mins to work this one out but.......... I may have just of had a stroke of genius


ok first put your way points down where you want them, this believe it or not is the tricky part, if they don't have a clear view of the next waypoints the bots will start wall huggin' or worst commit suicide off a very high ledge :evanpiel: *SPLAT*.


Once you got all you waypoints at the corners of paths you want your bots to follow you need to actualy tell radiant what the paths are.


for this example use 3 waypoints in a line they are called w, w1, w2 respectively


w should have a prameter target with the value w1, this should show up as a line pointing at w1 from w


the same feild would be in w2 again a line should point w1


w1 will have target/w and another parameter target2/w2


you can keep adding targets just by putting a number infront of it









Target1 is actualy target so won't work


if like in my level you have got a long beam you could find that your bots will take evasive manuvers and side step off the beam to stop this just stick the "Do not enter" texture from the system menu, you can still throw them off the beam but they won't do it for you :)

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