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Entity list blank

Sir Lucius

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I'm getting no entities showing up at all. I've got all my paths set correctly and t even says it's loading the sp_entities.def, but it doesn't. Wtf, does this thing hate windows XP?


Oh, and I have loaded the project files. For both sp anf mp. List is still blank. I'm probably missing something stupid.

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Okay, I went reading through some of the other posts about the blank lists. What you need to do is go into the project properties and make certain that the entity field has the right path name. It should be something simillar to C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\\SP_entities.def (That's what I put into mine, works great). Hope that helps!



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ahh, I finally got it to work. I had to change the folder names of the install path from "star wars jk2 really long folder name here" to just "jk2." Appernetly my machine refused to register long folder names as shortcuted with the ~1.



Got it work now tho :]

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