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can u have more than one brush as well as the origin brush comprising the func_train entity?


i got a multi brush speeder thingo i put together but i dont know how to make them all function as a train together


can u group the brushes together so that when one moves the rest do to or something?



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ok thats kewl





ive got these wierd problems see?


im using the train_func to fly in a speeder load of enemies to my players position


prob 1


the speeder comes from behind a section of the map thats unseeable by the player


when the speeder arrives its pitch black as if its not being effected by the lights



prob 2


the enemies im trying to spawn arent on the speeder at all

they are on the ground directly underneath it im thinking that they are spawning before the speeder and so are falling down to an unused part of the level.


so does anyone know a way to trigger the spawning of enemies with a trigger brush so they arent on the map until the player crosses a certain spot?

that way i can spawn the enemies and the train_func at the same time



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Originally posted by patchx

ok thats kewl





ive got these wierd problems see?


im using the train_func to fly in a speeder load of enemies to my players position


prob 1


the speeder comes from behind a section of the map thats unseeable by the player


when the speeder arrives its pitch black as if its not being effected by the lights



prob 2


the enemies im trying to spawn arent on the speeder at all

they are on the ground directly underneath it im thinking that they are spawning before the speeder and so are falling down to an unused part of the level.


so does anyone know a way to trigger the spawning of enemies with a trigger brush so they arent on the map until the player crosses a certain spot?

that way i can spawn the enemies and the train_func at the same time




For the first problem: The lighting is done from the trains initial position, so since it starts outside somewhere, it is getting no light at compile time. Just create a little room around it and do the lighting. The train can pass trough the wall.


For the second problem...that is gonna require you do get into scripting. Way to much to try to explain here. Look for some of the Icarus tutorials on the net.


- Vorax

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actually i figured out a cool thing


if u hook up the npc spawn thingos with a trigger brush they wont spawn till the player corsses the brush


hook the train up to the same trigger brush and when the player crosses it they blink into existence right above the train as it to suddenly comes into being.


voila instant ship full of dudes





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