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lightsaber cheat


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My favourite one, talking of the saber....

helpusobi 1

g_saberrealisticcombat 3



Put that on in Jedi Master mode, and have fun! the reborns actually are SO sweet to fight - i watched my friend get his cut off three times in a row..... then he carved the reborn into 6 chunks before he hit the floor....


Also here, my favourite strategy for disposing of stormies: jump above them and pull up with the force. They will break their neck on the ceiling, or break it falling down again. :)

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it seems to me that there is alot higher #s the the saber dissmemberment code goes to, to me. I has played around with it, and if you have it set to 999 which at that any thime a saber connects with one of the spots that it works for it instantly falls off, whill if you have it at 100-200 its not nearly as swift to knock things off.


I dont know I havent messed with to many #s to find out comletely yet.

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