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Jedi Fortress?


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Has there been any word of a fortress style mod for jkii? I've been playing jkii non-stop since I got it, but I'm missing a lot of the aspects of team fortress I love so much (played q3f1h a lot up until jkii/q3f2). Even a slightly less pure version (read "totally different") but with the class based / special abilities type of gameplay, where each class has its role.


for example (and I'm making this up right here so don't expect 'balance' ;))


Maybe for a "soldier" equivalent you could equip him with a saber (all players still get sabers and forces of course, just limited skills), a rocket launcher and an E11 Blaster. He can also carry some thermal dets and a special grenade, maybe one that emits a constant electic lightning in random directions (or it could spin ;)). The soldiers force powers are push, pull and protect. with high saber attack and def and low throw.


Your "demoman" equivalent you equip with laser (invisible beam tho) mines, and det paks. He doesn't need to have demopak selected to det tho. Also give him a toned down fletchett. his forces could be push pull and absorb


A "scout" would then have a scanner (ummm.. actually probably just sight power), which would pick up not only people, but those invisible trip mines and such. His forces could be jump speed sight and maybe add some sort of booster pack or something, which launches them like the concussion grenade did in q3f (I never got into this in a big way but I can see the appeal), and it'd work well in jkii's wide space style.


Well, you get the idea anyway. If anyone has already begun please please please contact me so I can become involved, both with ideas, and all the technical aspects, including modelling, mapping and even a bit of coding. If no one has begun this project and you are interested in getting it started with me, please email me and if enough people are interested I can start a web page, forum etc and get some ideas together. My email address is dparsons@senet.com.au. I've been modding (especially mapping, modelling and gfx) since doom and have a firm grasp of most of the concepts involved. One other thing, if I'm going to do this it's not gonna take four years, so don't reply if you have too much of a "life" ;)

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I have a team together right now working on a fortress style mod. its based on star wars themes. its kind of a mixture between UT assualt and q3 fortress.


we got modelers/mappers, and coders. we are working on the maps and models now. our coders are just waiting for jk2 code to be released.


we will have a web site up in about 2 weeks. lots of us are waiting for school to finish in the next week or so. when out site is up we will have an app for people who want to contribute to the project.



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you should have these classes :


Jedi(can only select "jedi" skins, no more stormies with sabers) : Lightsaber,fast (give them force powers limit Jedi Guardian,disable force speed for them) (disable red stance)


Sniper : Bryar Pistol, sniper rifle(make the charge shot faster and more powerful,maybe change the sniper crosshair)


Stormtrooper Scout : E-11 Blaster rifle, 4 thermal detonators(these people run with permanent force speed = level 2)


Stormtrooper Assault : Rocket Launcher, imperial repeater(slow down the alternate attack)


Bountyhunter : Give them a jetpack(i.e force jump 3 but jet thruster burns when you use force jump), and maybe some sort of cloak(mind control, only its a device you use that uses power),stun baton(maybe change this into something more powerful), stun pistol and disguise skill, throw in a E-11 blaster


i'll let ya know if something else comes to mind




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I've kinda taken to this idea since posting here and I've come up with an outline of the type of thing I had in mind as far as classes go.


1. Outrider

The Outrider's primary functions will be that of recon and flag carrier. For these tasks he is equipt with very little weaponary, but is highly skilled in the use of the speed, jump and sight forces. His sight force extends beyond that of a normal jedi, in that he is able to see objects as well as people. His skill with the saber is limited to light style, with very weak attack and defend, and medium throw. He also wears a jet pack, which can be used to give short bursts of speed in whichever direction he's looking, however the jets take a long time to cool, so use is limited. He carrys a single weapon, a modified light-weight E11 Blaster. He can carry up to 4 Flashbangs as his primary grenade and 2 Drain-Grenades as his secondary.


2. Sniper

The sniper is a silent but deadly jedi, skilled in the forces of sight, jump and has some training with the mind trick, he is able to strike silently with his powerful laser rifle. His saber skills are all weak, and he is limited to light style, making him easy pray should he let anyone near. He also carries a modified light-weight E11 blaster, along with 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade, and 2 flashbangs as his secondary. And actually, he's a she ;)


3. Knight

The Knight is the ruler of the battlefield, strong and well trained in the use of his saber, as well as the push, pull and absorb forces. He also carrys a rocket launcher, wookie bow and lightwieght E11-blaster. He carrys 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade, and up to 2 spinning laser grenades as his secondary. He is fully skilled in all aspects of saber use and has the full range of stances available.


4. Guard

The guard is trained in the use of all explosives, and has at his disposal detonation packs, laser trip mines (although the laser is hidden) a fletchett weapon and a timed high explosive. His primary grenades are up to 4 standard thermal detonators, and his secondary grenades are up to 4 cluster detonators. His skills with the saber are moderate, limited to normal stance, and he has the force powers of jump, pull and protect.


5. Doctor

The doctor, as the name suggests, is responsible for healing people. He does this by making contact with the person, while having the "hand" weapon selected. He can also infect an enemy with a force drain disease in a similar way. He is skilled in the forces of jump, and team energize, and moderately skilled with speed. His primary weapon is an E11 blaster, and he also carries up to 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade and up to 2 drain-grenades as his secondary. He is moderately skilled in all areas of saber use, and can switch between light and normal mode.


6. Mercenary

The mercenary jedi is the creator of all carnage. His jedi training is limited, and he has poor skills in the pull, push and heal powers. His limited force abilities are made up for however, in the weaponary he carries. A massive 7 barrel laser cannon, unblockable by a saber, the mercenary shreds his enemy into piles of scorched fragments (actual death scene may vary..;)). His saber use is clumsey, as he has had little training. With only heavy style available, moderate attack strength, but no defence or throw, up close a Knight will easily carve him. He also carries up to 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade, and up to 4 cluster detonators as his secondary grenade.


7. Teslatrooper

The teslatrooper is a high powered teslacoil with a mad jedi attached to it. The telsatroopers primary role is a disrupter, ambushing enemy groups, trapping or blocking them with his forcefield. Along with his teslacoil the teslatrooper carries a light-weight E11 blaster, up to 4 thermal detonators as his primary grenade and up to 4 tesla-grenades as his secondary grenade. He is moderately skilled in a range of forces, including jump, pull and speed. His saber attack is moderate, with low defence and throw, however he can use the full range of saber styles available.


8. Freeform

The freeform is an entity which has the ability to take on any shape. This, together with a modified saber which can change colour, make him the perfect infiltrator to take down the enemy's defence. To do this he uses the force powers of mind trick, speed and jump, and once inside he can cause havoc, uploading viruses to enemy sentries, powering them down, and leaving them vulnerable to attack. Of course the freeform could always just blow it up with a few thermal detonators which he carries up to 4 of as his primary grenade, but once powered down the sentry won't have any shields, and will be destroyed with just one thermal detonator, or a fair amount of blasting from his light-weight E11 blaster. He also carries up to 4 force drain grenades as his secondary grenade. The freeform is also able to kill any player, no matter how strong, with a saber swipe to the back. Apart from this one special move the freeform's saber skill are low, with moderate throw and only the normal stance available.


9. Mechanic

The mechanic's role is the construction of mounted autosentrys. To do this he must first build his standard issue Field Fabrication Unit. Once this is built and batteries are placed in it to speed the production process up (the FFU does produce its own also), various sentry kits will be available, such as Basic Autosentry Kit, Autosentry Extension Kit and Autosentry Rocket Kit. A mechanic can only carry one kit at a time, and a sentry can only start from a basic, be upgraded with the extension kit, then upgraded with the rocket kit. Other kits *MAY* include roof mounted sentry kits, which would be built in the order of Roof Mounting Kit, Roof Autosentry Kit, Roof Autosentry Extension Kit. Also available from the Field Fabrication Unit is ammunition and shields. A mechanic can have only 1 Field Fabrication Unit and 1 Autosentry at a time. His other weaponary is limited to a standard pistol and a wookie bow. His force abilities are jump, push and pull, which he is moderately skilled in all of. His saber abilities are moderate, and he is limited to normal stance.

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Can I point y'all in the direction of Rebel Strike and Strike Force, offhand I think the URLs are http://modcentral.jediknightii.net/rebelstrike and http://strikeforce.jediknightii.net

Personally I would like to see a class-based mod - neither of these really are class based although theres some good points I've heard on the rebel strike forums. However, if anyones ever played DoD then they'll know what I'd like.

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..Hows about a sort of "2-in-1" mod; one vanilla TF version with all the standard classes (except how would a spy sneak up on a victim if he's holding a humming, bright-colored lightsaber?) and then you can have a nu-school class mod that has all the same graphics and models as the other version, but gives you more freedom to choose weapons, force abilities and such.


One problem, most people that have TFC (or any class mod) know that grenades are especially important to the game. But in this case, wouldnt grenades become almost useless to use if someone can just Force Push it away? I guess you could just make grenades push-proof, but it'd be kinda odd to see someone push three people off a cliff, but have a little grenade continuing to bounce at him..

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I still think some variation is required, grenades may be important in TFC, but they don't have to be in any mod that leads out of this discussion. There seems little point in recreating TFC as most people have Half-life and can play the actual TFC.



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:It sounds like classic TF with the classes names changed...

:I dont like it.

:I liked "whats his faces" ideas for classes better.


Umm... Yeah that's exactly what it is :p If you don't like TF well then there's nothing to be done about that :p It's not meant to be a tf port, its just a TF flavour for jk2


n0th1ng's ("whats his face" - show some respect!) ideas are not bad too, probably would be pretty unbalanced tho in reality.


As for the grenades being pushed away (something I hadn't considered :/) it could easily be fixed by removing a lot of the class's push ability, and could even be used in the balancing...

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Originally posted by WitchDrAsh

Personally I would not want to see another TF mod come out, but a similar yet altered one, where you chose which weapons you get and can put points into weapon skills which improve accuracy, rate of fire, speed, so you create custom classes.




Ah, JK2 Tribes.


That'd be cool aslong as you deploy all that stuff like sentries, force fields, mines, etc. - getting them from an inventory station.

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What's the link to your mod?


Is it for JK2?


I think the most important ascept of any mod would be to have inventory stations instead of spawn weapon areas.


That way a person could go up to a station - change armor/class, pick weapons, force, and deployables (i.e. mines, sentries, forcefields, etc).


This would give the player more control of what he/she wants to do.


Also, check out the topic I made here - I would have posted to this thread if I noticed it earlier:




Anyhow - perhaps it should just go the Tribes way:


Allow people to choose armors and those armors are limited to certain functions - and the person can change armor, weapons, deployables, and inventory at a 'station' dynamically.

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Originally posted by Walther

Can I point y'all in the direction of Rebel Strike and Strike Force, offhand I think the URLs are http://modcentral.jediknightii.net/rebelstrike and http://strikeforce.jediknightii.net

Personally I would like to see a class-based mod - neither of these really are class based although theres some good points I've heard on the rebel strike forums. However, if anyones ever played DoD then they'll know what I'd like.


Yah, that mod won't even have lightsabers - read their FAQ.

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Originally posted by Conrad

I've kinda taken to this idea since posting here and I've come up with an outline of the type of thing I had in mind as far as classes go.


1. Outrider

The Outrider's primary functions will be that of recon and flag carrier. For these tasks he is equipt with very little weaponary, but is highly skilled in the use of the speed, jump and sight forces. His sight force extends beyond that of a normal jedi, in that he is able to see objects as well as people. His skill with the saber is limited to light style, with very weak attack and defend, and medium throw. He also wears a jet pack, which can be used to give short bursts of speed in whichever direction he's looking, however the jets take a long time to cool, so use is limited. He carrys a single weapon, a modified light-weight E11 Blaster. He can carry up to 4 Flashbangs as his primary grenade and 2 Drain-Grenades as his secondary.


2. Sniper

The sniper is a silent but deadly jedi, skilled in the forces of sight, jump and has some training with the mind trick, he is able to strike silently with his powerful laser rifle. His saber skills are all weak, and he is limited to light style, making him easy pray should he let anyone near. He also carries a modified light-weight E11 blaster, along with 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade, and 2 flashbangs as his secondary. And actually, he's a she ;)


3. Knight

The Knight is the ruler of the battlefield, strong and well trained in the use of his saber, as well as the push, pull and absorb forces. He also carrys a rocket launcher, wookie bow and lightwieght E11-blaster. He carrys 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade, and up to 2 spinning laser grenades as his secondary. He is fully skilled in all aspects of saber use and has the full range of stances available.


4. Guard

The guard is trained in the use of all explosives, and has at his disposal detonation packs, laser trip mines (although the laser is hidden) a fletchett weapon and a timed high explosive. His primary grenades are up to 4 standard thermal detonators, and his secondary grenades are up to 4 cluster detonators. His skills with the saber are moderate, limited to normal stance, and he has the force powers of jump, pull and protect.


5. Doctor

The doctor, as the name suggests, is responsible for healing people. He does this by making contact with the person, while having the "hand" weapon selected. He can also infect an enemy with a force drain disease in a similar way. He is skilled in the forces of jump, and team energize, and moderately skilled with speed. His primary weapon is an E11 blaster, and he also carries up to 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade and up to 2 drain-grenades as his secondary. He is moderately skilled in all areas of saber use, and can switch between light and normal mode.


6. Mercenary

The mercenary jedi is the creator of all carnage. His jedi training is limited, and he has poor skills in the pull, push and heal powers. His limited force abilities are made up for however, in the weaponary he carries. A massive 7 barrel laser cannon, unblockable by a saber, the mercenary shreds his enemy into piles of scorched fragments (actual death scene may vary..;)). His saber use is clumsey, as he has had little training. With only heavy style available, moderate attack strength, but no defence or throw, up close a Knight will easily carve him. He also carries up to 4 standard thermal detonators as his primary grenade, and up to 4 cluster detonators as his secondary grenade.


7. Teslatrooper

The teslatrooper is a high powered teslacoil with a mad jedi attached to it. The telsatroopers primary role is a disrupter, ambushing enemy groups, trapping or blocking them with his forcefield. Along with his teslacoil the teslatrooper carries a light-weight E11 blaster, up to 4 thermal detonators as his primary grenade and up to 4 tesla-grenades as his secondary grenade. He is moderately skilled in a range of forces, including jump, pull and speed. His saber attack is moderate, with low defence and throw, however he can use the full range of saber styles available.


8. Freeform

The freeform is an entity which has the ability to take on any shape. This, together with a modified saber which can change colour, make him the perfect infiltrator to take down the enemy's defence. To do this he uses the force powers of mind trick, speed and jump, and once inside he can cause havoc, uploading viruses to enemy sentries, powering them down, and leaving them vulnerable to attack. Of course the freeform could always just blow it up with a few thermal detonators which he carries up to 4 of as his primary grenade, but once powered down the sentry won't have any shields, and will be destroyed with just one thermal detonator, or a fair amount of blasting from his light-weight E11 blaster. He also carries up to 4 force drain grenades as his secondary grenade. The freeform is also able to kill any player, no matter how strong, with a saber swipe to the back. Apart from this one special move the freeform's saber skill are low, with moderate throw and only the normal stance available.


9. Mechanic

The mechanic's role is the construction of mounted autosentrys. To do this he must first build his standard issue Field Fabrication Unit. Once this is built and batteries are placed in it to speed the production process up (the FFU does produce its own also), various sentry kits will be available, such as Basic Autosentry Kit, Autosentry Extension Kit and Autosentry Rocket Kit. A mechanic can only carry one kit at a time, and a sentry can only start from a basic, be upgraded with the extension kit, then upgraded with the rocket kit. Other kits *MAY* include roof mounted sentry kits, which would be built in the order of Roof Mounting Kit, Roof Autosentry Kit, Roof Autosentry Extension Kit. Also available from the Field Fabrication Unit is ammunition and shields. A mechanic can have only 1 Field Fabrication Unit and 1 Autosentry at a time. His other weaponary is limited to a standard pistol and a wookie bow. His force abilities are jump, push and pull, which he is moderately skilled in all of. His saber abilities are moderate, and he is limited to normal stance.


Wow, nice!


You've really put a lot of thought into this.


I hope the mod makers consider implementing your ideas.


I like how you seperate weapon, force, and other abilities per class.


There are a couple routes you can take with this:


1. Limit the amount of classes per side - so that not everyone is a a doctor or knight.


2. Allow people to change armors dynamically during the game or when respawning.


Which is better?


I would give the mechanic forcefields too (or did you mention that?) and allow the sentry to exist even after he dies - unlike Q3F - but limit the amount of sentry deployments based on team count - # of deployable sentries = enemy count/3 or something like that - the same for mines.


Also, since it's a team game - I suggest a good kick system for teamkillers (friendly fire on would stop a lot of weapon spam) - and a voice or location system for the team to quickly identify where the flag carrier or the enemy flag carrier is.

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