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cl_parsepackets etites i fixed the error!


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I used KaZaa and downloaded a file called "Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - Multiplayer fix" that was like 536 kb or something. I deleted all other cracks and reinstalled the game(saved mods and saved games to another folder). THen i loaded the file and it displayed a message saying "this file stops the cl_parseserverentites error" or whatever. I extracted it and it created a mploader just like the crack off of gamecopy world but THIS ONE WORKS! Just open the loader and play without stupid errors. I still get an invalid game folder every once in a while when i join a game but I mostly stick to bots cuz I'm on 56K!!!!!:mad:

well i hope this helps, email me any questions HOMIJ162@aol.com



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