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Autorun/Install not happening


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Bought game yesterday, put it in drive and immediately received an error message regarding the Launch.exe. I went through Explorer and saw the contents of the CD (so the drive is reading the CD) and tried installing from there, same Launch.exe error.


I could use the System checker, everything passed.


My system:


Windows XP Home (Japanese)

AMD 1.1 Ghz

384 MB Ram

GeForce3 using latest Detonator XP driver and latest DirectX.


I only recently did a fresh install of my OS, all drivers up to date, virus checks etc. No problems until now.


I took the C.D. back to the shop and got a new copy, exactly the same error appears (Launch .exe), where Windows XP asks if you want to send the error to them.


I have two CD drives, both in perfect working order, one of them just two months old. They do read the CD in Explorer, but I cannot Autorun the CD without getting the Launch .exe error message.


Last week I bought Medal of Honour, zero problems. Last month Return to Castle Wolfenstein, zero problems. In fact I have about five different recently released games that all work perfectly normally.


I tried rolling back my video card driver, no go.


I have read ALL the other posts with other peoples problems, but nothing matches this.


I even tried a CD copy and installing off that, unfortunately the copied CD won't be read at all as if it isn't in the drive.


So, I can't even get to installing the game, and I still have the known installation problems to get to yet.....


Any ideas please anybody? If you think it's Japanese Windows I would seriously doubt it as I bought it in Japan and it has been tested and marketed under Lucas Arts Japan, saying XP compatible. I buy all my games in this manner and they are ALL fine.

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Thanks for your response:)


Tried it, no go. Even tried using a NoCD patch .exe but of course didn't work either:(


I have written to Lucas Arts, but they're taking ages to reply if they ever do.

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Originally posted by Rei

Thanks for your response:)


Tried it, no go. Even tried using a NoCD patch .exe but of course didn't work either:(


I have written to Lucas Arts, but they're taking ages to reply if they ever do.



Forgive me I am a tad confused, from your text I first thought you cannot install the game, but now it seems you can install, and just cannot get the CD read while playing?

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