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Need help creating borders around catwalks


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Im trying to create a catwalk with one of the grating textures but I need to make a thin border around it to make it look complete. The problem is, Im trying to make a border by dragging a brush around the whole catwalk and then carving the border by following the lines of the catwalk and then doing the same but shifting the clip points out by one grid segment. While this is fine for completely straight lines, once I get to areas of curvature, the border becomes thinner as I make it go round the edges. This means I get a stupid looking border which becomes thinner as you reach the curved areas and then fattens out again once you get to areas which follow the grid lines exactly.


Is there a way of creating same-thickness borders all the way round a piece of flooring?


If this is way too confusing I'll post an image of what I mean.


Thanks for your time,


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I think i get what your aiming for but if you could post an in radiant(grid + 3d window like the one below)shot it might be a little clearer...


Something like this comes to mind from reading your post





i'll keep an eye on this thread for an update from you :)

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i wouldnt do the carving bit. What i did for this situation is make a long brush the entire length of a segment. size it however you want, the CLONE it useing spacebar. Put it in at the next segment you need and just resize it as necessary.

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Ok, here are a couple images to show what im talking about:




The first is the rendered view while the second is the view from the top-down grid.


Does it make it a little clearer? The border around the walkway gets thinner as you move further around the corner. That is bad. I want to get it to stay at a constant thickness but I cant figure out how.




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What you need to do is to drop the grid size one setting down from what you now have so you can places the edge better

a picture paints a 1000 words so here's a pick of what you need to do to keep the thickness correct(using the brush sizes from your pic but with a grid setting of 3)




you'll need to use edge editing to be able to move the edge's into place (highlight the brush you want to work on press the e key)


you could on the other hand just use a proper curve to solve the problem as shown here




i hope this helps a little


if you need more help with this trim problem feel free to ask




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