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Question - Whats the diff between 3dsm and gmax?


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gmax 1.1 is a freeware 3D game modeling tool. Tempest is a plugin for gmax which allows 3D models to be exported as .map.


3ds max 4 is a stand-alone 3D production software package that cannot use the gmax tempest plugin.


Note though that the tempest plugin is for Quake3 really (and I am unable to get its .maps generated by it to texture correctly once it is imported into JK2Radiant).

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the gmax plug in aslo exports md3 files,

and thats not th only difference,


3d studio max, allows you to mdoel with nurbs, splines, quads, and polies, 3d studio max has a renderer, 3d studio max, can be used for any hting, form mkaing a movie,n to making game models... basicaly 3ds max, is a all round peoduction software,

when Gmax is just a modeler, and with plug in, mapper...

it doesnt include nurbs, or splies, a renderer, and i dont htink has a good animation system... actualy.. donlt knwonif u can animate in it at all?

also 3ds max has great effects you can add to models, eg. this glow i added to a light saber model i have made

in gmax, you cant ad that effect, or get a render like that.

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a few thousand dollars. don't sweat getting 3dsm if youre new to modelling. use gmax. thats my opinion anyway. but hey, im still using milkshape. (gmax doesnt like me)




[edit: i think milkshape is great. a lot of people complain about the texturing process, which i admit isnt as clean as 3dsm for unwrapping. however if you know what you're going, texturing is no sweat in milkshape. i'll prolly always use milkshape]


[edit2: ok thats a lie. i do use a friends 3dsm to complex texturing, but not always]

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Can you use 3dsm toopen the model files. For example the model in the exist file is a .glm extension. Can I open this in 3dsm or do I have to convert it first and then saves it back to a glm extension file?

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you CANNOT open ANY glm files...

you can however import xsi files to 3dsmax

but there is NO tool that allows you to convert glm files

(at least not in the JK2 editing tools and i havent heard of such a tool yet)


EDIT: well of course that doesnt mean that there is nons... but if there is one then i dont know it :)

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