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bsp problem/spawn point problem...one and the same?


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Whenever I BSP my map, the dos window opens up and I get to watch a cursor sit and blink for a while...nothing really happening, just a blinking cursor. A .bak file, .prt file, and .bsp file are created, but I don't know if that's all that's __supposed__ to happen.


So, anyhow, when I try to test-run the map, I type devmap test in the console and when it finishes loading I get a "can't find spawn point" error message -- even though I have an "info_player_start" entity in place.


Any of this make any sense?


Thanks in advance ---

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The spawn point problem is gone----not sure where it went but it hasn't returned :)

The fact that the dos window locks and won't do anything continues to plague me...I'm going to try running the thing on a non-XP machine and see what happens (XP gives me a rash)


Soon I'll be posting brand-new irritating questions...watch for me :)

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