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MAP WOES IM NEW please help


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ok i wanna make a small duel map i have the radiant program thats what you use right? i know how to make boxs and such but wat i need help on is how to make it a map i also loaded that multiplayer project but her are some questions


1: were should the "tools" folder be

2: is their supposed to be a folder called "Maps" in the base dir if so why don't i have one

3: what do i click to make it a bsp

4: do i need to decompress crap before i start making a map

5: how do i test it

6: are all the tutorails supposed to be for quake radiant?

7: how the hell do i add entities

ok thanks a lot


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Okay... I'm new to this, but I hope this helps you a little. I don't have all the answers, but these are the ones I can give in my experience so far.



1. The Tools folder should be in the "Game Data" Folder. If you're in a place that has two Jedi Knight 2 icons, one named jk2sp and jk2mp, then you're in the right place.


2. Yeah, you should have a "maps" folder in the "base" folder. If you don't, I don't know why it isn't there, but if you have the space on your hard drive for it, you might unpack "assets0.pk3" with winzip. To do that, open it with winzip and extract it to the base folder. Make certain you have it unzip with the folders otherwise you'll be in a world of hurt.


3. To make a bsp, you need to have the level editor open. Save your file (make certain it's a name you'll remember later on when you go to test it) and then go to the Bsp menu. Select bsp FullVis and a DOS window should pop up. Do not close the window. Can't stress that enough. When it's done compiling, the window will close itself.


4. Honestly, I don't know one way or the other. I just did it so I could see all the files.


5. To test the thing, make your bsp like stated in number 3 and then close out the editor. Run Jedi Knight (I've always done it in multiplayer) and from the menu, hit "Shift" + "~". That brings down a darkened area with white text and a cursor on the bottom line. From there, type in /sv_pure 0 . That sets the server's purity status. After that type in /map <insertyourmapnamehere> and it should load. I've also seen people say to load the map with devmap <yourmapname>. When I went to load mine, I used the devmap command and it worked fine.


6. The Jk2 editor was released recently so all the tutorials are for Q3. Give us time and I'm sure there will be some awesome JK2 tutorials out there. :amidala:


7. Entities are a little obnoxious to get into the editor, but once there, they're pretty easy. In the level editor, click on the file menu and select "project settings". A window will pop up with a list of things you can set the file path for. I believe that the editor comes up blank for Entity on install. At any rate, the path you want in there if you did the default installation path should be C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\\SP_entities.def . Save your map and restart the editor. The entities SHOULD load after that. (I might've missed something in the steps there, I'm not certain.) Now that you have the list, in your map area, left click on the wireframe window and it'll bring up a list of entities if it's been set correctly. Choose the one you want and it'll create a box in the map area for you. Select that box and hit "n" on the keyboard to bring up the properties for that entity. Make the changes you need and hit "n" again to save the changes you made. Save the map afterward ;)


Whew. Hope that helps!

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I *think* that if you use one of the sky shaders, the map will automatically be set ... at least that's what I gather from the tutorials. Otherwise, use the entities to make a light.



Right click in your wireframe area and select "light" from the menu that comes up. Press "n" and look underneath the listing of availible entities. You should see a rectangle filled with goodies about lights. For instance, ""light" overrides the default 300 intensity. - affects size". "light" is what you would enter in down in the key field- this basically tells the editor what modifications you want to make the that specific option. Like it says, default is 300, so if you wanted to make it brighter, you could enter in of 600 in the value field. Scrolling down in that list will give you a whole bunch of little modifyers you can change just like you changed the light intensity. There are some really nifty styles to use too. When changing those, use the number that corresponds with the type and you should be fine. Hit "n" again to finalize your selections. You can also change the color in that screen, but I find that it's easier to hit "k" when your light is selected and pick the one you want.


That cover it? :D

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