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Get your secret models here!


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I'm sure many of you have opened your .pk3 file and seen all the different models you can be... You may also noticed that trying some models will crash your computer (such as Galak in his armor).


For those of you who haven't, here are a list of models that you cannot choose to be through the player screen, but instead you must type these into your console:


model reborn/fencer

[i believe this is the greenish reborn, with a goatee!]

model reborn/forceuser

[This is a redish/orangish reborn model]

model reborn/boss

[This is a wicked purplish model]

model reborn/acrobat

[This is a purple model I believe]

model imperial/commander

[A black suited imperial]

model imperial/officer

[A tan suited imperial]

model jedi/j2

[A jedi in black]

model kyle/fpls

[Headless kyle!]

[bodyless kyle (please do not use)]

model morgan/default

[Ghost morgan... /default_mp is the plain one]


I hope that this gives some help to those who want to play an exclusive model that not many others use.


I generally run around as reborn/boss myself.

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Heh, I was actually gonna post a topic with these models, but I was gonna ask the following question for all experienced "File Seekers." I am aware that there is a Stormtrooper model in which he has his Shoulder-Guard on. There is no model specifically for the Stormtrooper with the Shoulder-Guard, since there is a file called shoulder.jpg in which I believe the game loads for certain Stormtroopers. If anyone knows of how to activate the shoulder on a Stormtrooper, please post.

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We're sort of unofficially cracking down on the "hands only" code, so let's not post that anymore, just in case.


Here's the fix file for it btw, that will prevent anyone using it on you (also counters the headless Kyle one):




Hopefully Raven will patch that soon. I'd like to seem them add the other skins into the menus as well (since they lack faces in the "leader" pic).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Btw, a fix was released that makes the "hands only" model look like Kyle on your end, it's called invisfix.pk3 (or something along those lines). Check the files section. If it's not posted yet, should be soon.


I posted that file (check the email address). The only unfortunate thing about it is that it only works on non-pure servers, or if you host your own server. It won't stop completely until Raven patches out the files...


Unfortunately this is not possible either. If you'll notice the "cheat" models are called fpls, which stands for First Person Light Saber. In single player mode, when you change to first person using a gun, your skin changes to kyle/fpls so that you don't see your character's head. When you change to your lightsaber, your skin changes to fpls2 so that you don't see your body.


Maybe Raven should make a single player .pk3 file, and multiplayer .pk3 file... Either way, it's going to be a hard fix.

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