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Annoying MP issue - please read.


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Very quick question to ask you all here...

When I start up a listen server in JK2, it plays for around 2 minutes (tops) and then gives me a lovely error which kicks me out of the game:



Illegible Server Message


That error also comes up when I try to play on any online/lan server...


I've had this error come up in Q3:TA, but not in RtCW/Q3:A... Since it's only happened in TA, I haven't really paid much attention to it at all (TA kinda sucks, IMO..). The only way I could see myself "fixing" this error is to dive into the Q3 source and find any references to that, and then try to make sense of whatever I come up with... But frankly, that's too much of a time consuming process, so I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out here :)


Anywho, when I start up JK2 as a dedicated server (lan or public) it doesn't give me any nasty errors. But, seeing as I enjoy practicing against bots and playing online, running a dedicated server just won't do :)


If it helps in any way, shape, or form, here are my system specs:


ECS MB w/ SiS Chipset (O/B LAN/sound)

Athlon XP (1700+)

256 megs of DDR (PC 2400)

some OEM GeForce2 MX 400 running recommended dets



As a final note, I'm sorry in advance if this question has been asked elsewhere in the forum. If it has, a reply with just a link to a thread dealing with this issue would be great. If it hasn't been asked, then please... I'm in desperate need of help here. JK2 MP seems very cool (from the 2 minute intervals I've been able to play in).


That's all, and I look forward to replies :)



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