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newbie question plus request


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you don't convert .map's to pk3's


A .pk3 is just a zip file renamed.


What you need to to is load your .map in jk2radient. Compile it with the BSP menu (select BSP - FULL VIS)


Next create a .zip using winzip (or download something to view .pk3's) and put the .bsp inside it in a folder called maps. You can put a 256*256 screenshot with the same name into a folder called levelshots. To play multiplayer you will also need to create a [mymap].arena(might have an s on the end) file. Put it in a "scripts" folder.


If you open assets0.pk3 in winzip and look in the scripts folder you can see arenas.txt open this and copy the last item into your [mymap].arena file using notepad. Change the top line to your map name and the full name to something usefull. Rename your .zip to a .pk3 and make sure it is in your gamedata/base folder. Then have fun.




p.s. Make sure u have plenty of light in your map. Else u can't see anything

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