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Horrible pings!!


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why is it that I get horrible pings in multiplayer for this game? It's unbearable to play multiplayer because my pings are so high. Every other online game i've played has been fine even with my 56k isdn. I know my comp isn't top notch (p3 750mhz, 40g HD, 128mb ram) but shouldn't i atleast be able to play multiplayer without this tremendous lag that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to play. So for now I'm stuck with bots which work perfectly fine, but i feel like i'm missing out on a lot of multiplayer fun. Is the only solution getting a cable,dsl,broadband...etc connection??any help is appreciated.peace



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Ya, ADSL, cable will fix you up fine, but only if you are on the computer a lot, will it be worth it, I have it and can't go back to 56k ever, I don't know what else to say?

I play a lot of online games. Life is short, if you can afford it go for it.

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