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w00t! Player model ingame, sort of...


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flip the normals in max before you export it as an xsi. that should do it. I used to have a similair problem with getting models into quake 3.


try this -

Assuming you use max/gmax. Select those objects, go to the utilities tab (the one on the right) and apply a reset Xform. Then go to the modify tab, and collapse the stack. Then go into face/poly sub-object and select all the flipped faces. Then click 'flip' under surface properties in the faces/polygons sub-object rollout.


obviously save a copy of your model before you try this .


very interested to hear how you had your model setup in max before you exported it.

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yeh, it happens to me with Q3 sometimes as well. I was just so chuffed that I got it ingame that I wanted to post it here ^_^


I VERY crudely used a skin modifier to weight the segments and bolts/tags to the bones. I also linked all the segments and tags to the torso, to get rid of the hierarchy errors while compiling. I really just wanted to see what had to be done to get a model ingame, so I rushed through it all, attaching each segment to only 1 bone and such.


Now that I know what needs to be done, I'll try doing it properly. I also need to make a proper UV map. I just planer mapped everthing. God I'm lazy >_<

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Guest seantree

sweet, thats pretty much what i did last night. half asses weights etc.. but i did not link my meshes together :/ give us more info on the linking. what order did you use etc.. good job

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A1 thats excellant! u did it before i could! hehe, u gonna show this at bfp, and get an "A" on ur homework? :p

hmm.. wonder if it would be posible to make some sort of tool, that would assignt verts to bones automaticly... ofcrouse not great,ly done, just a simple way.. like those uvmapping programs(lithunrap ect.) maybe htere is a program like htis?

any who, great job hehe..

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