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My Luke Model


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i have this idea for a model i'd like to do, but since:

1: I can't import gla, or glm files into GMAX

2: ModView, etc are being annoying to me


i don't think i'll be able to get this idea off the ground myself


anyway... the idea i have is a luke model, of when he was training on degobah with yoda... ie, him wearing that odd green muscle shirt... i had this idea for just a skin before, but since every model seems to have a long sleeved shirt on, it wouldn't fly


then my friend had the idea, what if it was done as a mode... ie, just a little bit of editing to the existing luke model maybe, but then, hehe, hears the part i like, luke would have yoda on his back, hehe in other words, the model would be luke (when he's training on degobah) with a little yoda on his back at the same time...


anyway, that's just my idea/dillema... i want the model, eheh, cuz it'd be fun to use, but i'm lost on getting all the file formats and different programs to work together/properly

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