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Weird Graphics Problem !


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I have a very very strange graphics issue with this game, not quite sure how to describe it !!


Basically the game run fine, movement fine etc etc BUT all the character graphics ie the people suffer from massive triangular

blocks of graphic coming out of their bodies, its so weird !


Im running an Athlon XP1600, 256 pc133 SDRAM

Geforce Mx200 64mb , using detonator driver 28.32


( i have tried 3 older versions , still the same )


All my other games ( i.e Medal Of Honour ) work great

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You're right, that *is* a wierd one.


To me, it *seems* like a corrupted install. My advice would be to remove JO, delete its folder (except for the /gamedata/base/savegame folder, of course - back that up), and clean out its registry entries. Use Norton Windoctor for that last one, if you have SystemWorks. If not, you can use regedit and search for 'jedi'.


Other than that, I'd play with the resolution, detail settings, and the like.


*scratches head*

Let me know if any of that helps.

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