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Arg Ambient Light Help Please


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Here is what you do (I think, I could be wrong):

In the entities window, click on worldspawn, and you should see two boxes at the bottom of the window, one that says 'key' and one that says 'value'. You can change the ambient light by typing 'ambient' in the 'key' box, then typing a number in the 'value' box. Then press enter and you'll see it appear in the box above. I think the number 250 will give you a dusk or sunset kind of brightness, but experiment with different numbers to find what works the best.

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thank you so much but i have just one more question. how do i make a fading death like in the game when you fall off in sinlge player you don't fall until you hit the bottom of the box you just fade off

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I asked the same question on another forum.


This is what Amphetamine told me to do:


"Make a big brush accross your pit, near the top. Give the brush the system/trigger texture. Select the brush and right click on it to bring up the entities menu and select trigger_hurt. Press N to bring up the entity window and use "dmg" for key and "-1" for value (without the quotes)."


That should work, it did for me :)

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