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Team Fortress Mod


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Would be a perfect mod for this game.


Class based.


Inventories, etc.


The deployables like forcefields, mines, and sentries are already there. All this game needs is some classes and inventories for said classes and tada.


Perhaps an in-game voice system would help too - doesn't have to even have audio voices, just text, that also gives locations like in most Q3 based games.

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It wouldn't have to be exactly like TF.


Just JK2 with classes and inventories.


So each class has special abilities - certain forces, or force only, sabers only, weapons only, etc.


For instance:


Flag runners and chasers - , move faster, able to force jump, absorb, speed, and stuff, but they'd be weaker in health.


Weapon guys would move slower - and could vary depending on weapons; i.e. the rocket makes you walk real slow, heavy armors could shoot the big ball type weapons.


There could be engineers who can only lay mines, forcefields, sentries, etc.


Medics, with force absorb, team heal, and have force drain to hurt enemies, etc.


Snipers - Using the sniper weapon with more ammo, with force seeing, etc.


Sabers - each class could have a saber or only certain classes - or the stances of some classes could be limited. It's really up to the mod maker.


On another note it'd be nice to have an anti-TK system that monitors how much friendly fire a person has done and kicks people who kill or push team-mates off ledges.


What do you think?

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