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Does anyone know if there is a way to get 'emplaced_guns' to work in multiplayer maps? They are the guns that you can sit on and fire from.

When I tried to put them in my map, they didn't appear in-game and I got some error messages.

These things would be great for the map I'm working on, so if anyone knows how to get them to work, I'd appreciate the information.

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i tried the same thing with drivable atst's same result. they are gone, and i get some error message like: _atst_drivable doesn't have a spawn function. i have no idea how to enable it, but i would likeit if someone figured it out :)

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I've been trying to figure this out. Evidently single player entities are different from multi player entities. Emplaced guns and atst's are only in the single player entities. I assume your using Radiant? In your tools directory there are two files- SP_entities.def and MP_entities.def. You can read them with a text editor. ATSTs and Emplaced guns are in the SP_entities.def file but not in MP_entities.def. I don't think just adding it in will do anything because I think the purpose of these files is to tell Radiant about these entities. Besides, Radiant uses the Single Player Entity fle by default. That's what it says at the bottom of the screen when the program loads. I've tried adding all the files on atsts into my .pk3 files in their respective directories but that didn't work. That's all i know. If anyone finds anything out, i'd appreciate the info.

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I've got the emplaced gun working in multiplayer. You can press the use button and the gun fires but the view doesn't change. You still have the perspective of standing behind the seat. You can't see what your firing at well and the gun doesn't turn with the shots but everything else seems to work. Anyone got any ideas?

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