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Cinematic bug in Mines level


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In the last level of the mines area, where all the ATSTs are, I keep getting stuck in the cinematic at the end where that one lightsaber-wielding dude tells his assistant to kill the girl. What happens is after he says this line and the camera cuts to the one girl in the ship... nothing happens. She just stands there and nothing ever happens. I've tried skipping through the cinematic with the Use key but it just makes a bunch of weird dots at the top of the screen.

This happens to me no matter what I do. I've tried restarting the level, playing on different difficulties, rebooting my system, changing various video options and many different combinations of these ideas but it happens all the time. The only way to get past this and on to the next level is with a cheat, and cheating just plain sucks.

Has anybody else had this problem or one similar to it, and for that matter has anyone else found a solution to it? Let's hope it's not a permanent thing.


Thanks a lot

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