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The answer to all your problems.


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It took me 3 hours, but I figured out why most of these problems keep occuring. You HAVE to make all your stuff into a .PK3 for the game to be able to use it. You can load your map without doing this, but if you have any music, custom textures, etc they will not load. I have no idea why but this is true, including the .arena file.


I just thought I would share this (seemingly) obvious bit of information with everyone. I scoured these forums looking for answers to all kinds of stuff, and found them, but the simplest things would not work... 3 hours into it and I FINALLY thought to myself "what if you have to PK3 it?" and BLAMO it worked.


...so now I can announce that my first map will be out later this week, I just have some testing to do...


I'm so happy! :D :D :D

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