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new clan


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well just another clan i suppose. No name thought of yet just a general idea on the lines of ronin, outcasts, fallen etc. No website has been made. Join now skilled is preffered, this is a saber only clan so far. I myself have been in several clans for cs, dod, existence, diablo2, sc. Ranking is a definete. Not to sure of a counsel or one leader of yet. Idea would be a counsel of 5 making a decision w/ my final consult so the clan doesn't go into a different direction. tag itself is already thought of as (-name-), ie. (-Conner-). If you suck it's ok i've trained 2 already who has become well off (one being my brother (-usagi-) the other i haven't heard from for a while). if your interested email me at islandboi56@yahoo.com or just reply here. As for the skill of the clan i think we'll be pretty good i haven't been in a server yet that i wasn't on top of the list as well w/ my brother, I'm also willing to duel anyone to prove my worth.


Basic thought on how the clan would work is upon two rules. Never use force on another unless used upon first or being overwhelmed by others. 2ndly never attacking when a saber is down unless a character is cocky enough to provoke an attack (good judgement is a must). Thats all I've thought of yet join now and you definetely would have a say on how the clan would work.

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