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problem with WINXP HELP PLEASE


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I have the winXP PRO and I install the jedi outcast but it doesnt work

the error message tells


GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem



I have the newest nVidia drivers for my graphic card and DirectX 8.1


What can I do???:confused: :confused:

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I had this problem as well...


1st, are you sure you have the latest drivers installed?

Unzip the Driver exe and follow those instructions for loading the driver, if you just run the EXE you might not make it work.


Sometimes you have to force Feed WinXP!


Then I would suggest Reinstalling DX8.1


You should work now...


If you say you already did all this, then do it again!!


If it still doesn't work you didn't do it right.

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