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We need more bounty hunters models/skins...


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It would be great if someone could release models or skins of bounty hunters like: Zuckuss, 4LOM, IG-88, Dengar and of course: Boba Fett. (im not asking for Bossk and Greedo since u can select the Trandoshan and the Rodian in game.)

If someone does that will be my hero!!!!


P.S. How bout someone making a Bounty Skin Pak!

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Thanxs TuSkEn RaIdEr! It sure looks like Bloodriot and Absath are making one of the most detailed/ well looking model/skin out there! Its very impresive, can't wait to dwnload it!...

Thats what I meant, we need models/skins like that ones! I gess someone who loves bounty hunters like I will be kind enough to start working on the models of 4LOM, IG-88B, Zuckuss and Dengar!

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