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enough crying about heavy sabers


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The idea of giving different styles more points just would not work. People would run in, hit somebody with a non-one hit kill attack, so their down to 10, then switch to blue to get the last 10 off fast. They would then get 4 points for using blue 4 5 secs maybe? Anyway you look at it, it is a legal part of the game, it was put in to be used, so stop complaining, and play the damn game. There is a counter to everything. It may not work every single time, but almost nothing does in our lives. Except the fact that taxes take to much damn money!



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The idea of giving different styles more points just would not work. People would run in, hit somebody with a non-one hit kill attack, so their down to 10, then switch to blue to get the last 10 off fast. They would then get 4 points for using blue 4 5 secs maybe? Anyway you look at it, it is a legal part of the game, it was put in to be used, so stop complaining, and play the damn game. There is a counter to everything. It may not work every single time, but almost nothing does in our lives. Except the fact that taxes take to much damn money!



We also die.




Oh, and I'm a medium stance user and though some people who use heavy have almost no skill (DFA spammers who I'm sure just stole a scrift from their local programmer friend) most people who use it are very skilled. I consider Medium to be more fun because I find heavy frustratingly slow, I don't know if its better, I just don't get any enjoyment playing with it. Against it, however, I can have some interesting matches, it took me a lot of practice to get skilled against heavy players.

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well i use heavy alot (whore) but have you ever seen a fight with two fast stancers and using heal skill... and you call heavy boring those fights never end..


i think half the people i seen fighting in blue and yellow stance are really pretty random with the button pressing and find it impossible to kill a person using a measured heavy swipe... if you have uber skills with medium and light you should not lose to me or any other heavy whores :)

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i think half the people i seen fighting in blue and yellow stance are really pretty random with the button pressing and find it impossible to kill a person using a measured heavy swipe... if you have uber skills with medium and light you should not lose to me or any other heavy whores


I totally agree with that, the headless chicken folk seem to be out there as much as the DFA spammers, its all rather boring, I find... I personally think that all the stances are about equal on an NF Duel server where its only about the sabers...On FF servers Heavy dominates thanks to heal...

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could'nt agree more googly.

mixing it up with medium and light stances are always the best duels. IMO

heavy is just plain crap... look out here comes the DFA move.AGAIN!!! pulease. trouble is tho, that is all your reduced to doing with heavy stance, the ol' hit and hope moves.

most players that use heavy against me.. and i dont just mean noobs get their arse kicked royaly. like someone said b4, the throw tactic is often a favoured counter... and boy do they moan there arses off about it.

to all heavy spammers out there. at least TRY to vary your tactics a little plz. but plz keep using it, i kind of like whooping you easily.


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I really like heavy stance becuase its more vader style, but.... u really dont hit harder becuase u swing slower, I think that u should swing faster and the damage should b abit less devestating, but still effective. A good way to counter a heavy is to tease him and make him go for a swing when its above his head or at the side of his legs (depending on whitch swing), throw it. Well most of u r aware of this tactic but those "noobs" who complain so much about heavies this can b useful :)

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Use whatever the heck ya want. When im looking to end a duel quickly, to get to a harder opponent, friend, etc, ill use heavy. When im looking to enjoy the duel as much as I can, ill switch over to yellow, or maybe blue if they are using heavy.


Its fun using any stance, so people only complain when they SUCK. :)


Untill next, Tasam.

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I am a yellow-stancer myself, and i dont think heavy is any more dangerous than any other


i use medium because it gives you decent responce time (unlike heavy) and a decent arc (unlike light)


if you go around swinging like a moron, then of course heavy will beat you, heavy FORCES you to time your attacks, while in medium and light you must learn to be patient and time your strikes yourself


and heavy is not as intimadting with protect lvl 3 on anyway :D a nice thing to have handy when the person has both heavy stance and uber-l33t skillz

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

the main reason i like heavy is it produces the same swings every time... and you dont spin around like a fool :D the 100 damage per swing is just a bonus...


You dont spin around in medium either, as long as you dont hold the button down


i dont see how people talk about randomness


direction+tap button=same swing EVERY TIME


direction(s)+hold button=Ballet

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I don't know what some of you are yapping about, just because heavy can kill in 1-2 hits doesn't mean the fights are quick. Sometimes to combat heavy I'll switch to light or medium, but then again... the people that complain about heavy are probably the same ones that:




Run away healing


Run away healing/shielding


Run behind someone fighting 1-2 other people and get a quick kill.





Heavy is not all powerful it leaves you VERY vunerable at times, if you have ANY FPS skills whatsoever you should see that during certain swings a PUSH or PULL is devastating as it 80% of the times knocks them down.


Don't like heavy? Turn on force protection and turn on the lightsaber version of a chainsaw (light stance)

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Im a yellow as well, ut Im starting to use red. Its just too powerful, all you have to do it attack, then at your pinacle run backwards. They cant get near you because of the 45 deg. hit angle of red attacks and it does an almost instant kill.


This is especially efective against those pesky heal characters who run away and heal everytime they get a scratch.


Oh, and out of pure curiosity, how many of you people complaining about red stance do heal at every cut? If you do you should expect red.

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