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Rocky walls


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Yeah I did, the walls in that tutorial were ok, but now quite what I'm looking for. I'd like an even more rocky looking wall :)

Does anyone know if it's ok to have a lot of brushes overlap each other

to create a very rocky looking surface? or do brushes always have to line up?

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i would advise against patches for rock surfaces. i believe most would agree with me.


my suggestion would be to do trial and error. look at some pictures/whatnot and see if you can replicate it w/o overlapping brushes. get a feel for the vert editing and how rock walls look in reality. thats all i can say other than check a tutorial.



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My rock walls look ok, I think, I just feel like they would look better if I could overlap brushes onto them to give them a more jagged appearance. Tems, will it mess things up (lower frame rates, higher r_speeds) if I overlap brushes?

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overlapping brushes wont lower r_speeds all that much. however it could cause overdraw/z-fighting. its better to not overlap and to have all unseen faces textured w/ system/caulk. its just more efficient.



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