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Would you buy Milkshape ($20) if it could export to XSI?

Dark Ugnaught

Would you buy Milkshape ($20) if it could export to XSI?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you buy Milkshape ($20) if it could export to XSI?

    • Yes, I desperatly need way to export to XSI
    • No, I\'m to cheap
    • I already have Milkshape

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erm, are you a representative for milkshape because your poll is very biased in the options available. If you are then I can understand the opportunity to add this feature - and increase the sales for the software.

Milkshape is a good starting program for anyone wanting to learn 3d, but I doubt it will be long before someone has scripted a import/export plugin for gmax (xsi).

And if you do work on milkshape you definately need to improve the renderer - all the images I've seem rendered from it look awful. :(

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Originally posted by spacermonkey

erm, are you a representative for milkshape because your poll is very biased in the options available. If you are then I can understand the opportunity to add this feature - and increase the sales for the software.

Milkshape is a good starting program for anyone wanting to learn 3d, but I doubt it will be long before someone has scripted a import/export plugin for gmax (xsi).

And if you do work on milkshape you definately need to improve the renderer - all the images I've seem rendered from it look awful. :(


Milkshape is a game modeling tool. It wasn't intended as a "good starting program for anyone wanting to learn 3d" it was always meant too be an "affordable" tool for game modeling. The renderer looks horrible? There is no renderer this isnt 3dsmax, why would you think you need a renderer for a game modeling tool? You want to look at pretty pictures or make a game model?

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Originally posted by Jafo


Milkshape is a game modeling tool. It wasn't intended as a "good starting program for anyone wanting to learn 3d" it was always meant too be an "affordable" tool for game modeling. The renderer looks horrible? There is no renderer this isnt 3dsmax, why would you think you need a renderer for a game modeling tool? You want to look at pretty pictures or make a game model?


Ok so what is the current industry standard? Oh yeah 3dsmax? Maya following closely behind.. So how many professional games have been released where the primary modelling tool was Milkshape? well ?

Yes Milkshape has a renderer, the program uses a renderer to display the images in the viewports - you know it some form of active shade? duh - and what I said about needing a better renderer is true, when a person pimps there screenshot - because when using milkshape they have too it looks plain awful and it makes it hard for people to constructively criticise the persons model and give them feedback to improve.

And why would you want a nice picture of your model? For your portfolio, to get constructive feedback, or for an image to be posted on your mod/game site.

People can use gmax or Maya (learning edition) and can learn applications that are actively used in the industry. Does milkshape compare to them ? well then.:p

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i like MilkShape a lot, if it wasn't for this program i probably never would have gotten into 3d modeling. Its simplicity doesn't make it so intimidating...i have 3d Studio but its just so complex. It looks like its got a million buttons and everything on the screen and i have no idea what they do.....maybe i'll start using that someday :rolleyes:

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last i checked Milkshape 3d already has an xsi plugin, but i may be wrong.


then comes another issue. What good is milkshape with an xsi plugin to the JO modding community if the xsi files included with the sdk released by raven - crashes milkshape everytime.




yes it crashes...

I will be using another program for the time being...

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Originally posted by Scarlet Widow

i have 3d Studio but its just so complex. It looks like its got a million buttons and everything on the screen and i have no idea what they do.....maybe i'll start using that someday :rolleyes:


Which is why you email discreet and request a demo cd instead of warezing it. You get to find out you have no patience, and they don't get ripped off. Everybody wins.

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Originally posted by spacermonkey


Ok so what is the current industry standard? Oh yeah 3dsmax? Maya following closely behind.. So how many professional games have been released where the primary modelling tool was Milkshape? well ?

Yes Milkshape has a renderer, the program uses a renderer to display the images in the viewports - you know it some form of active shade? duh - and what I said about needing a better renderer is true, when a person pimps there screenshot - because when using milkshape they have too it looks plain awful and it makes it hard for people to constructively criticise the persons model and give them feedback to improve.

And why would you want a nice picture of your model? For your portfolio, to get constructive feedback, or for an image to be posted on your mod/game site.

People can use gmax or Maya (learning edition) and can learn applications that are actively used in the industry. Does milkshape compare to them ? well then.:p


When Milkshape was developed the only other tool available was 3dsmax at a 4-5 g ticket price. Most modelers would agree that 4-5,000 grand is a bit high for modeling for a mod or just for fun. A number of the modelers here fall into that category. Your being critical over a 20$ ticket price on a program thats sole purpose was too help the community afford too model is just a reflection of your self. You'll argue with a guy asking a simple question on integration and call him biased? Biased over a 20$ tool that supports 30 games? Milkshape servs it's intended purpose. Sorry it doesn't fit into your shinny leather portfolio of wasted air.

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Originally posted by Octavius

last i checked Milkshape 3d already has an xsi plugin, but i may be wrong.


then comes another issue. What good is milkshape with an xsi plugin to the JO modding community if the xsi files included with the sdk released by raven - crashes milkshape everytime.




yes it crashes...

I will be using another program for the time being...


The XSI plugin is for Max not Milkshape...says it on the folder Max4Tools.

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Well Milkshape isnt the only option anymore for simple 'mod' modellers is it ? My point was that the poll is biased, big time. It doesnt take into account anyone here using anything other than milkshape - since the only option is to select the no I'm too cheap one. Stop sticking your fingers in the electric socket and actually think before you post.

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Originally posted by spacermonkey

Well Milkshape isnt the only option anymore for simple 'mod' modellers is it ? My point was that the poll is biased, big time. It doesnt take into account anyone here using anything other than milkshape - since the only option is to select the no I'm too cheap one. Stop sticking your fingers in the electric socket and actually think before you post.

Stop voting or commenting on polls that don't apply then.

This is the same poll i've seen for four years. Your the first to bitch about it.

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actually I agree with Space Monkey. It would have been better:

Yes if it had an XSI Exporter

I already Own Milkshape



No covers everything from I am too cheap to I have a copy of 3d Studio Max.


Clicking No I'm Too Cheap when you mean No I Work In Modelling And Own 3D Studio Max (it may happen), or No I'm Not Interested In Using Milkshape is pretty lame tbh.



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Originally posted by spacermonkey

I offered some advice, I pointed out how clearly the voting options are biased, if you read all the posts obviously I'm not the only person who chose to vote who doesnt use milkshape.

No your clearly the most insane nit picky person to bitch about air being a clear substance. So if the dirittos guy made a poll asking if dorittos were now green instead of orange would you bitch that he's being biased cause you preffer chittos? An after thought would be... would anyone really care.

So it was biased. So are all targeted polls.

Guessing he doesn't care what you use the only thing that matters in the poll is yes or no, and look at all the wasted time you've had arguing over the no, just because it says "cheap". So now you've really paid more attention to the name Milkshape. Hows it feel too be the butt of an add campaign?

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bah screw alltmhe flaming, any whom milkshape is not for lamers, its for people who dont want to spend thousands etc, i ahve seen models that equal the quailty max uses, i hvae seen modles BETTERt hen max can make(low polly of course)

its all in what the modeler can achive, and to the one thta said milkshape crashes hen trying ti import xsi? well yeh i woudl htink it would crash on a file type it doesnt support :p, mete creator of milkshape said he may bemaking an exporert, but cant remember, and there are always other alternitives then using milkshape, theres lots of dmeo programs, and stuff, nendo, light wave.. maya.. then theres a bunch of free ones, anim8or, Wings3d, and a moree which ic ant remember.. though milkshape is great cuz of its export compadibility, in many cases for me, when it ried to export a filetype max count, i used milikshape... milkshape is a great tool nonethe less,a nd you shouldnt be dissing it, poor mete(cretaor) has put all his time in it to offer a LOW cost, Low poly program, for the average joe, what more do you want? and it doesnt need the greates renderer, its expected your making a custome model for a game, so u can see it there, not so u can add to your online portfolio(though its good to add to this as well..) Milk shape for me, is rated top 3 for me... Max, Milkshape.. and third has yet to come(as all others i have tried to hard tog et a handle on..)

well. .i guess is hould shut up now,a dn to who ever that read this posta nd doesnt hvae milkshape but wnats tog et into modeling, GET IT! its a great tool, if younknwo hwo to use it, youc an do better then max!

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No, I am not working for Milkshape and I am not saying you have to make your models in it, you could have made it in anything else under the sun with all its imports and exports. The idea of this poll was to submit to Mete (milkshape's programmer) to get some leverage on this idea and get our modelling status out the the dark ages. :) Sorry to all of you warez fans I didn't add a Milkshape sux option, I just needed to find out what you guys think.


BTW, Milkshape has an xsi import, but not export.

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The reason I suggest this for Milkshape is because it is the cheapest of the decent game modelling tools and all of us can get it. For me to suggest this to the creators of Maya or something would be pure stupid because a.) Like they will listen to our cry for help and b.) most of us can't afford those kinds of packages.


BTW, Good for you acutally paying for Max :)

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