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Bind Question....


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I have been looking through threads for days trying to learn how to do them and found out mostly basic stuff like how to taunt ect. But What I want to know is how to bind moves like swing left and DFA stuff like that, if it’s even possible......

For example:

\bind x +moveleft ; +attack


All that does is make my guy freak out and I have to unbind the key and restart the game to make him stop. If any help, it would be appreciated.

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I'm no scripting expert here, but your guy freaking out (twitching and stuff ;)) is most likely due to not cancling the activated actions in the example you've mentioned. The only combo I've tried to bind is DFA when I was starting to play mp and failed, due to not being able to create a sufficient pause/wait - one 'wait' cycle is very short and entering a gazillion subsequent wait cmds doesn't seem to pull it off. Well, luckily one can substitude those scripts with some practice :).


to bind a single 'move left + prim. attack' to a key it should probably look like this:


bind <x> +moveleft;wait;+attack;wait;-moveleft;wait;-attack

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Any scripting you do in Q2/Q3 that has a + before the command infers that you're "turning on" the command. If you don't include a - command to "turn off" the command, it will run until it gets one. This can be good for some things - for instance, you can have a walk/run toggle instead of having to hold the key down, if you script it right - but for others, it's not so great. Most +/- commands can be run without the +/- things, but the results can be unpredictable.

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would it look something like this if I were to set it up as a variable? (i've never bothered with binding in the past with Q3 engine games, and etc, so this is my first attempt ever, please exscuse me if it looks silly, or is a far fetched idea) but any input would be great.


set deathfromabove "echo ^1DeathFromAbove; +attack; -attack; wait; +upmove; +forward; +attack; -upmove; -forward; -attack"

bind x "vstr deathfromabove"

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B.T.W. The wait command can take a numeric argument.

A simple wait command waits for only 1 tick but "wait 30" waits for 30 ticks.

The length of a tick depends on your computer speed so it's not predictable.


I was playing with colorcycling the saber with the following.


bind c "color1 0;wait 15;color1 3;wait 15;color1 4;wait 15;color1 0"

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I have over 13 different moves bound to keys and setup in .cfg files, so let me give you some advice:


(1) Practice seting up your binds on a multiplayer server. Timing is terribly different in MP than SP. I timed my first move (DFA) on SP, and when I converted it to MP it would not work for anything. I had to fiddle with the timing for a while to get it to work.


(2) Realize that each stance can actually start with 3 different beginning attacks. Meaning that if you just press attack while standing still, there are 3 different ways that your character will swing. Each swing also has it's own delay, which means making a single bind that executes a move perfectly every time is slim to none.


(3) Perfect your timing. There's nothing worse than when you take your new DFA key bind into a server and have it screw up as soon as you use it against someone. Not only does it leave you vulnerable, but (and I'm assuming not everyone will remember to include -moveup in their binds) it also leaves you drained of a lot of force power.


I'm not going to simply write out my binds here because of a lot of reasons. Namely, I know that everyone will want a "DFA Key Bind", and I do not want to see more DFA spam than I already do. Also, I believe that you're only worthy of using these things if you can figure out how to do them yourself. Having everything handed to you makes you a loser in the end.


I hope these tips help. ;)

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Originally posted by mrsmithz

My last post never made it through... agh

short answer NO it wont work.


the wait command corresponds to game ticks... my suggestion, link bind keys together...


You should have read my post before making a fool out of yourself. Do not post your meaningless "answers" if you haven't even tried yourself.

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having problems with my variables, so I think i'm going to skip that part altogether. As for DFA spam, I can understand, I hate seeing it over and over myself. I basically just need to know if the way I created the variable would work. (thanks for pointing out moveup (instead of upmove) was wondering why that didn't work.


Anyway, i'm getting there, the tip on the timing will help a ton i think, gotta play around with it some more.


Thanks peeps :)

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lol Karzx... I did try and couldnt read your post since you posted it about the same time as I did. For the most part it will not work, my last post (for some reason) didnt make it here, but what I would hate to see is more DFA spammers. Simple binds to such attacks as light +forward;+movedown;+attack does work rather well, but as for DFA, since it needs a prerequisitive move, it will not. There is no provitions to say execute this command once for the duration of the depression of the key in q3 scripting, nor any way to tell how long a "wait" or ie "wait 30" command will last. It might of worked for you, if you have a high end system, but for the most part it will not for the general public. And btw grow up a bit.

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Originally posted by mrsmithz

[...] There is no provitions to say execute this command once for the duration of the depression of the key in q3 scripting, nor any way to tell how long a "wait" or ie "wait 30" command will last. [...]


This is where you "sir" (because I should grow up) are a complete idiot. You keep saying that this is impossible, when obviously you haven't even tried it.


First of all, YES there is a way to tell the command to execute during the depression of the key. Many examples:






I could go on and on. So you're wrong on your first "fact". *sigh*


Secondly you say there is no way to tell how long a wait command will last. Oh my god, you are quite the idiot:


wait # [where # = amount of ticks to pause]


Therefore, if I bind a key to:


+moveup;wait 100;force_push;wait 20;-moveup


Then when I press that key, my character will jump in the air, wait for 100 ticks, issue a force push, wait 20 more ticks, then come back to the ground (instead of jumping full height and wasting force power).


So there goes your second "fact". Good lord, you'd think that you specialize in making a fool of yourself.


Trust me when I say that making these key binds is possible. I have 14 of them, ya dip@#$%.

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That word Idiot again... LOL


Why do you feel that you need to insult people? Were you abused as a child? Picked on? Hmmm makes you wonder...


Therefore, if I bind a key to:


+moveup;wait 100;force_push;wait 20;-moveup


keeping the key pressed will go on a loop... on and on and on (like you)


depending on lag, the results are unpredictable.


Whats worse then being a moron is arguing with one...


good day

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Guys this is not a cockfight or Who knows more! It's just a question..... That I got a lot of answers for and I thank you for you knowledge on the subject. From what was posted here I have been able to bind more keys (and NOT SPAM THE DFA Because I personally hate that move) and am currently working on more.


One more question. In theory how long is a tick? 1 second , 30seconds what. The reason I ask is for testing purposes, so I know if the bind I'm creating is even working. I know it can depend on your clock speed and so on but I'm looking for a ballpark figure here.

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Originally posted by mrsmithz


Therefore, if I bind a key to:


+moveup;wait 100;force_push;wait 20;-moveup


keeping the key pressed will go on a loop... on and on and on (like you)


I don't know. Who would want to do that anyway? Only hardcore DFA spammers like yourself I assume.


Originally posted by mrsmithz

depending on lag, the results are unpredictable.


Not for me, although I am not running a p2 300mhz with a dial-up modem. No latency affects my DFA bind whatsoever... so again you're wrong.


Originally posted by mrsmithz

Whats worse then being a moron is arguing with one...


I guess you would be the expert on that one. *shrug*

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Krazx, why not just post the bind and shut everyone up. I'm tempted to work on it myself. probably wouldnt take me more then an hour to get the bind right, but personally I would find it a waste of time and unproductive to use that key as there are many other crucial keys one needs and it wont be long before even most newbs will be able to counter a dfa attack.

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Originally posted by leelink

Krazx, why not just post the bind and shut everyone up. I'm tempted to work on it myself. probably wouldnt take me more then an hour to get the bind right, but personally I would find it a waste of time and unproductive to use that key as there are many other crucial keys one needs and it wont be long before even most newbs will be able to counter a dfa attack.


I am writting up a comprehensive how-to article for jkii.net on how to disable specific weapons and specific force powers. I will throw the bind in there as an easter-egg for anyone who bothers to read it. ;)

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