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Hey...I don't care if you want to use this command....Why would I? You bought this game you play it the way you want to. The object is to have fun :) But why don't you guys quit trying to convince the rest of us that it isn't a cheat? Your arguing against logic and for what? To get the rest of us to say your not cheating? We aren't going to say that. So just give up already and have fun playing the game anyway you want :)

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Hey dude, I'm with you.


The fact that it says "Cheats are not enabled", or something to that effect, when you try to use it, makes it a cheat in my book.


If Raven calls it a cheat, then I think it is a cheat.


At my house, we call it cheatin'.


Yeah, I think it's cool, I think it's awesome, very realistic, very cool, but it's a cheat.


Anywho, not flamin' just claimin'.

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Originally posted by PsiSilverthorn

You have yet to explain why the game says that command is cheat protected? And why to use it you have to enable cheats with helpusobi 1 :)


Sorry it IS a cheat...Just a cool one :)



According to Raven's Top Solution FAQ, timedemo is cheat protected. Does that mean if we use timedemo we are cheating?


Where is your proof that g_saberRealisticCombat being enabled makes the game less difficult or alters the damage inflicted? Please explain.


Regardless of whether g_saberRealisticCombat is enabled or not, the lightsaber is a one hit, one kill weapon on all non-lightsaber wielding NPC's in the game. Haven't you noticed?


And having this CVAR enabled has no effect on the hit points of boss characters either. Alot of the lightsaber carrying baddies have location based damage. For instance, Reborn troopers can be taken out with one well placed blow to the torso from the lightsaber...whether g_saberRealisticCombat is enabled or not.

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Oh Please! Timedemo doesn't even do anything except keeptrack of fps and generate an average. I don't know why it Raven/LucasArts made that command cheat protected but you are comparing apples and oranges by comparing it to the g_saberRealisticCombat command. As for proof that it changes damage modeling there have been countless people who attested to the fact that it does exactly that. And Raven will tell you exactly the same thing if you bothered to ask them. But back to my post above. WHY THE HECK ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO CONVINCE US ITS NOT A CHEAT???? Just play the freaking game the way you want!!! Its a cheat and I'm not going to tell you otherwise.

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Originally posted by PsiSilverthorn

Oh Please! Timedemo doesn't even do anything except keeptrack of fps and generate an average. I don't know why it Raven/LucasArts made that command cheat protected but you are comparing apples and oranges by comparing it to the g_saberRealisticCombat command. As for proof that it changes damage modeling there have been countless people who attested to the fact that it does exactly that. And Raven will tell you exactly the same thing if you bothered to ask them. But back to my post above. WHY THE HECK ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO CONVINCE US ITS NOT A CHEAT???? Just play the freaking game the way you want!!! Its a cheat and I'm not going to tell you otherwise.


Right on Dude you are exactly right, well I agree with you. You know you are right you don't have to explain, don't get upset, it isn't worth it, remember you said just have fun!!!!!

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I was getting at what the above guy was saying that all guys without sabers die in one hit from light so even if it makes it 900 times as powerful it dosen't matter. If it changed reach or time to swing then Id call it a minor cheat but. Just doing more damage is not a cheat if it already kills in one hit its like hacking an AWP to do 5000000000 damage WTFs the piont it already kills in one hit.


To be a cheat you must gain an advantage that the oppent dose not. Frankly your already cheating just by playing SP JK but thats beside the piont since realstic combat gives you no real edge its not a cheat.

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Its not a cheat.


f*ck the helpusobi 1 thing. devmapall 4 ever...




g_saberrealisticcombat 1



g_saberrealisticcombat is not a cheat!!!! Because you dont gain any extra advantage. The other enemys gets harder to.


Think of it as an bonus for people who have found out about it.

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The "g_saberrealisticcombat 1" setting is for single player only.

The "g_dismemberment X" setting is for multiplayer only.

Dismemberment seems to be a percentage of likelyhood to dismember - but, everytime a dismemberment happens in MP the server crashes. I have read that this will be fixed in the patch but I have no firm evidence.


As to a post several back - I still think that realistic saber combat should be allowed to be enabled under multiplayer, it could be handled this way- increase the likelyhood of saber blocks (when properly facing a opponent), allow heavy swings to have a greater likelyhood to penetrate a block, make light swings less likely to dismember/kill, but not rediculous like it is now (you can make someone eat the light swing now and its a joke). I think the balance can be maintained and the deadlyness of the saber improved also...


I don't remember seeing a personal "shield" on any Jedi in any of the movies... :)

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