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Light force powers/ darkforce powers list?


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I havn't gotten the game yet but I was just curious if is there is a list of all of the force powers and their affliction(light/dark/neutral)...according to a friend the official site was incomplete so if anyone could get/make a full list for me i'd really appreciate it.

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I play as Sith all the time. Coz i Love being EVIL :D:D:D


Sith Powers :

Force Lightning - the force power that the Emperor uses on Luke at the end on ROTJ.

Force Grip - the one Vader uses all the time on incompedent imperial officers IE strangling them to death. (my fav :D)

Force Drain - Drains your opponents force power and adds it to you're own health status

Dark Rage - Makes you invincible for a short time , but lowers your health steadly


Jedi Powers:

Force Heal - Heals you're health status

Force Mindtrick - Makes you invisible to your opponenets for a short time

Force Absorb - makes you harder against physical blows but more suceptible to force attacks

Force Protect - makes you harder against force powers but more suceptible to physical attacks


Both sides have Force Pull and Push as well and Saber throw.

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for sp: push,pull,heal,mind trick, speed, jump, lightning, grip, saber throw


for mp: push, pull speed, seeing, jump, saber throw-neutral

grip, lightning, drain, rage,team rage - dark

absorb,protect,heal,mindtrick,team heal- light


pretty sure thats all of em...

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