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How do I make a door oped downwards at an angle?


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I have a room with sloping walls, and I have a hidden door in one of the walls but I want it to open at the same angle. I have tried having it slide sideways but that looks HORRIBLE because it overlaps the wall it slides into. I really want it to move down but the only way to make it go down looks retarded because it has to pass through the floor. The angle of the door and wall is 11.2. Is there a way to get it to move down and backward so it follows that angle?

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door ents can only to the best of my knowledge move in one direction.

you might be able to use a func train to do that however if it's still in there.


you can also "shrink" the depth of your door so that it sets inside the wall when it slides to the side.

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Properly lighting it to hide the lip would be tricky as it is a trapezoid shaped door (triangle with the top point cut off) And besides, lighting seems to be my weakest point. I can never get these !@#$ing lights to work properly. I am starting to wonder if theres a mojor bug in the light controls for JK2Radiant

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Most problems with the Radiant editor can usualy be found somewhere between the keyboard and your chair.


Now, about the door.... a func_train WILL work for this, as I've done things of this nature before in Q3.

Just make sure your path is at the same angle as your walls and you are golden.....though, this hidden door will NEED to be triggered, as the func_train should work off of that trigger, or it'll just keep opening and shutting forever.

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