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Why is my level black?


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I have made a level that is just one room, all textured, with a spawn point, and thats it.


But the problem is, when I load it it is completely black.....how do I fix this (I am a total n00b at leveling making so bare with me =-P)


Thanks for all the people who have helped me so far and thanks in advance to anybody that helps me with this problem!



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In the dark? A good old 1980s Billy Squire song (hehe)



Yeah, right-click on the map, and add an entity 'light'.


Position it X Y and then Z.


Now select your new light and press "N" to config that light.


The Key 'light' with a value of '300' is about average lit, and you then can go up or down from that 300 (for the value of 'light'); i.e. try 200s, 400s and so on.


You can also add the Key 'style' and then pick a value to make light flicker, or pulse. And look over the light's info box in the entity's dialog window when you are editing the light. The info box tells more how to customize lights.


And lastly, with a light selected, press "K" to set its color.

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