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Quake 3 Boba Fett


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Hey, do you guys remember that quake 3 boba fett. Well i was wondering if anyone converted it to JO. I know blood. and absath are workin on theirs, (and im sure it will be great) but i liked that model of fett... He just looked mean. Anyway, has anyone done that or know how to do it. I mean i would do it if i knew how.. but i dont. So any help would be great... Oh and good luck to blood. and absath!! YOU GUYS RULE!!!





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Uhm, actually, that pic of CheshireKat's up there is perfect. QIII's Boba...lacked...certain qualities.


Just wait till Blood and Abs release Boba Fett. He's gonna be a new model seperate to the Jango one anyways...

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