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i need creative map design advice people


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i got an sp level that partly set in a small city

the problem is i need to make it kinda linear so that i dont have to build an entire city


what i mean is i need a designated path that the player follows which means side streets and stuff have to have barriers in the way that stop the player going down them but look credible


so has anyone got any ideas on a good way to block a street off that fits into the sw universe?


(keep in mind force jump)



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Try cutting off alleyways with fences. If you use a fence* with holes in it, level what you could see on the other side so that the map doesn't just fall off.


If you're wanting the level to follow the street path, when you come to a turn in the road, only continue the road in the direction you want the player to go. So don't have a left turn if you want the player to go right, put a building or otherwise there.


*SW fences: Force fields! Or just have an inventively placed wall there. :p



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Well, it would help if you tell us the basic storyline you wish to tell, then we could make more plausable suggestions.


But until then, what about a city under seige, so some streets are blocked off by the local law enforcement with vehicles and barracades. Prehaps a mob will prevent you go through. Or just make the route seem SOOOO tough that it is not worth the hassle.


Hell, have piles of wreck assault mechs blocking routes.(and no - they are NOT AT-PTs. Canon or no canon, I believe Factor 5's Rogue Squadron on this one)


Partially jammed doors to garages that you just CANNNOT get through. (Good for mind tricks on the player. And good for adding atmosphere)


Prehaps just billowing gasses of smoke, or HUGE plumes of fire.


Fallen power cables in huge expanses of water too big to jump.


I suppose you could just look at the things that happen in real life and then warp it a bit to your advantage.


Hope the assist is a good one...


And tell me of this sp mission - first time where a games sp missions have been more fun and interest than mp (no offence to mp modders). Have UT for mp fun...

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some really cool ideas Cmdr_DFMD


i think ive got mappers block


they were some truly kewl possibilities


the story is that the player is tavion ans she has landed on a new republic planet in an unauthorized imperial craft because she is hell bent on finding what has happened to her sister


as soon as she lands the local republic military go to investigate so the road block idea fits pretty well


who at the end of the mission u find out has been kidnapped from the planet by a remnant warlord who wants to reproduce galak fyars experiments with force empowered soldiers using tavions force sensitive sister as a guinea pig / resource for genetic cloning.


the next mission i have planned will have tavion storming the research base to save her sis.




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