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Star Wars Know-it-alls look here...


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I'm wondering about one of the skins in the game; The Shadow Trooper.

Who is this character?

Is he from one of the movies? A Book? A Comic? ... And in that case: Which one?


Or is he a JK2 limited character?


I would like more info about this, so if someone knows anything, please don't hesitate to post.


Also anyone feel free to post questions/comments in this thread about other characters...



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Well, I don't consider myself a SW know-it-all, since I've only read one book in addition to seeing the movies, but I'll tell you what I know...


In Dark Forces (The first game with Kyle in it, Jedi Outcast is sorta like Dark Forces 3.) there were these new imperial "super soldiers" called Dark Troopers. The Shadow Troopers in Jedi Outcast are sort of improved versions of the Dark Troopers.

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No I have not played the game in SP, I have tested it, but I didn't get satisfaction in playing against the computer.


The MP version of the game however I play constantly.

I'm no novice either... And frankly I don't want to play the game just to find out what Shadow trooper is.


I never played the prequels to the game so I don't know anything about it's characters, that's why I asked If this character, the shadow trooper is limited to just this game.



But thank you guys anyway...



Is there anybody else that know something about these troopers?


PS: You don't have to be a expert to answer.


Btw... does anyone know how to delete the preset Force Power Configs?



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Originally posted by V-tecc

No I have not played the game in SP, I have tested it, but I didn't get satisfaction in playing against the computer.


Hmm... I think you're talking about bots. Single Player isn't Multi vs Computer. Single Player = Mission based maps with a plot.


If you don't like "playing against the computer" then you are truly missing out.


Originally posted by V-tecc

The MP version of the game however I play constantly.

I'm no novice either... And frankly I don't want to play the game just to find out what Shadow trooper is.


That much I can tell.


Originally posted by V-tecc

I never played the prequels to the game so I don't know anything about it's characters, that's why I asked If this character, the shadow trooper is limited to just this game.


Yes, the Shadow Trooper is new and exclusive to this game.


In the game, Dessan (the bad guy) infuses a bunch of guys with Dark Side powers. They become the reborn. He then inlists an Imperial weapons designer/researcher to come up with a type of body armour for them to wear. They make the cortosis armour suit that, apart from being able to cloak, is fairly resistant to lightsabres. That's what the Shadow Troopers are.


They're not extensions of Dark Troopers.


Originally posted by V-tecc

Btw... does anyone know how to delete the preset Force Power Configs?


Look at the controls part of the menue.



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Originally posted by H.B.M.C.


Hmm... I think you're talking about bots. Single Player isn't Multi vs Computer. Single Player = Mission based maps with a plot.


If you don't like "playing against the computer" then you are truly missing out.




That much I can tell.




Yes, the Shadow Trooper is new and exclusive to this game.


In the game, Dessan (the bad guy) infuses a bunch of guys with Dark Side powers. They become the reborn. He then inlists an Imperial weapons designer/researcher to come up with a type of body armour for them to wear. They make the cortosis armour suit that, apart from being able to cloak, is fairly resistant to lightsabres. That's what the Shadow Troopers are.


They're not extensions of Dark Troopers.




Look at the controls part of the menue.





No I wasn't talking about the Bots, I was actually talking about the SP part of the game or the mission based maps as you refer to them as.

For me, I think that you pretty much can't go your own way and have to follow the games obvious road.


For example: Finding a door, it's locked, find a key, open the door. There is a set path you have to follow (I know that's the point) but I'm tiered of these games, even if this is one of the best.


It feels like a movie....



Thank you for the Information about the Shadow troopers, it was highly interesting. To bad that these characters are exclusive to the game though, I saw them as sort of a elite imperial squad similar to the Imperial Royal Guards. Would be interesting to read/see more about them.


The information about the Force-CFG i didn't get, in the in-game menu, you can delete only the force-settings you have saved, not the standard ones... and that's what I would like to do.


Or did I misunderstand you?


Anyway, thank you for your help.




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Shadow Trooper new? Not quite.


Being a Force wielder with a lightsaber, yes, that's new. But the concept and general look of the Shadow Trooper has been around since the first edition of the roleplaying game, by West End Games.


In Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, two new specialist Stormtrooper types were introduced: the Radtrooper, with armor, equipment and skills specially suited to radioactive environments, and the Shadowtrooper, who was the stealth trooper of the Stormtrooper legions. They had sensor-dampened black armour reminiscent of the shape of the Scout trooper (though with a bit more plating), and specialized in quiet insertions and sabotage missions.



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Originally posted by JediMouse

Shadow Trooper new? Not quite.


Being a Force wielder with a lightsaber, yes, that's new. But the concept and general look of the Shadow Trooper has been around since the first edition of the roleplaying game, by West End Games.


In Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, two new specialist Stormtrooper types were introduced: the Radtrooper, with armor, equipment and skills specially suited to radioactive environments, and the Shadowtrooper, who was the stealth trooper of the Stormtrooper legions. They had sensor-dampened black armour reminiscent of the shape of the Scout trooper (though with a bit more plating), and specialized in quiet insertions and sabotage missions.




Now we're talking! This is the type of stuff I want to here more of guys, keep it comming! :)


"In Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim" <-What is this? A book or a RPG?


V-tecc the Confused

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Originally posted by V-tecc

For example: Finding a door, it's locked, find a key, open the door. There is a set path you have to follow (I know that's the point) but I'm tiered of these games, even if this is one of the best.


It feels like a movie....




Unfortunatly, a lot of games nowadays are like that. Nox, anyone? Multiplayer rules, but single player gets so freakin' repetitive that you'll be crappin' corn out yer arsehole before ya know it. NARF! My personal favorite is Max Payne.


"The door was locked. I needed a key....so I found one."


If only games could always be like this.

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I haven't played Rebellion, but in that game apparently the "Dark Troopers" have some Dark Force powers.


So I guess they must be Phase 3 (or a variation thereof) Troopers (the suits) since Phase 1 and 2 were entirely mechanical IIRC.

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I'm wondering about one of the skins in the game; The Shadow Trooper.

Who is this character?

Is he from one of the movies? A Book? A Comic? ... And in that case: Which one?


Actually another place it may have developed from was the book I, Jedi, by Michael Stackpole. In it there is a band of Jedi called the Jensaari (I think) who wore Cortosis Armor. Actually almost the ENTIRE storyline was directly lifted from I, Jedi. The main character has rejected his Jedi heratige, his woman dissapears so he goes to Yavin to become a Jedi, the bad guys are Force trained and wear Cortosis Armor, and there is even a part where he fights with Luke Skywalker against a few of them. Granted there are sopme differences like the Valley of the Jedi, and the assault on the Academy, but its sad how alike the plots are...

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Unfortunatly, a lot of games nowadays are like that. Nox, anyone? Multiplayer rules, but single player gets so freakin' repetitive that you'll be crappin' corn out yer arsehole before ya know it. NARF! My personal favorite is Max Payne.


"The door was locked. I needed a key....so I found one."


If only games could always be like this.



Try Deus Ex, there is still a degree of that linearity, but not totally, plus the game just plain RULES :D

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Originally posted by Vestril


Actually another place it may have developed from was the book I, Jedi, by Michael Stackpole. In it there is a band of Jedi called the Jensaari (I think) who wore Cortosis Armor. Actually almost the ENTIRE storyline was directly lifted from I, Jedi. The main character has rejected his Jedi heratige, his woman dissapears so he goes to Yavin to become a Jedi, the bad guys are Force trained and wear Cortosis Armor, and there is even a part where he fights with Luke Skywalker against a few of them. Granted there are sopme differences like the Valley of the Jedi, and the assault on the Academy, but its sad how alike the plots are...


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought this! Don't get me wrong though, while "I, Jedi" is one of my favorite pieces of EU I still love the story in JO.

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought this! Don't get me wrong though, while "I, Jedi" is one of my favorite pieces of EU I still love the story in JO.


I like both plots:) I just kind of wish they had been a little more original in JK2

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I highly doubt they looked at I, Jedi and got inspiration from it. Neither plot really seemed all that original, but I like them both.


The easiest way to show that they did actually borrow the plot is the 'Cortosis' armor. The armor doesn't WORK like Cortosis armor should so why would they throw it in? Why wouldn't they just say heavy armor? Because Cortosis armor is from the book and they, for some twisted reason, chose to mirror it.

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Think about it this way: Cortosis is a part of the SW EU. Cortosis is one of the only materials that a lightsaber blade cannot penetrate. If you had access to Cortosis and had plans of going up against a Jedi wielding a lightsaber, wouldn't YOU wear Cortosis armor? So what if it was done in I, Jedi? Laser blasters are used in every book and movie--are they ripping off the previous books and movies, or are they keeping some symblance continuity to the universe?

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Think about it this way: Cortosis is a part of the SW EU. Cortosis is one of the only materials that a lightsaber blade cannot penetrate. If you had access to Cortosis and had plans of going up against a Jedi wielding a lightsaber, wouldn't YOU wear Cortosis armor? So what if it was done in I, Jedi? Laser blasters are used in every book and movie--are they ripping off the previous books and movies, or are they keeping some symblance continuity to the universe?


The point wasn't that they used it, the point was that they used it, but it was wrong. Cortosis ore is supposed to short lightsabers out upon impact, not merely resist them. They could have used any of several explanations rather than Cortosis and it would have been utterly acceptable, but they chose that, and modified it.


That is the point, why would they take an EU thing and modify it rather than creating something new? I believe that a possible explanation is their lifting the plot from I, Jedi

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I think we can allow a bit of leeway for game mechanics. When I get to JO in my 3d-comic, I'm going to have cortosis working the way it should... so they'll just have to be killed the same way they get to the Yuuzhan Vong; joints between the armor.


But it isn't absolutely correct to say that lightsabers can't penetrate cortosis; in Vision of the Future, Luke and Mara break into the Chiss outpost with their lightsabers even though it's shielded by cortosis (a bit like using a chisel to break through a brick wall, but it can be done). They just reactivated their lightsabers just as they shorted and tried again.


-- ChrisTheS

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I think we can allow a bit of leeway for game mechanics. When I get to JO in my 3d-comic, I'm going to have cortosis working the way it should... so they'll just have to be killed the same way they get to the Yuuzhan Vong; joints between the armor.


But it isn't absolutely correct to say that lightsabers can't penetrate cortosis; in Vision of the Future, Luke and Mara break into the Chiss outpost with their lightsabers even though it's shielded by cortosis (a bit like using a chisel to break through a brick wall, but it can be done). They just reactivated their lightsabers just as they shorted and tried again.


I agree that leeway for game mechanics should be made, I'm just saying that they shouldn't have called it Cortosis, it makes little sense for them to do this...


You bring up another good point that I was actually avoiding: Cortosis isn't Lightsaber resistant. It shorts lightsabers out, thats it. This is another mistake and another reason why I think it should have just plain been left out in favor of 'heavy armor' or something like that. It was an unnecessary plot point.

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