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bot support?


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hello, i was wondering, for jk2 maps do u need to add bot support? cuz.. i tried my map, i added a ew bots, they played.. but always wnet in the same spt.. never ran around.. is that wjat happens if dont enable it? or is it jus my faulty level making? and is it auto maticly on if u dont enable it?

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There is a link on the JediknightII.net home page that points to a guide from Raven on adding bot support.


It works, it's a bit of pain, but now that i understand it, I like it. You can make the bots do some very smart things ;)


- Vorax

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Hehehe... (Not entirely sure what you mean there! :) )


What they do is follow the trails you setout through the map. You walk along and place a bot waypoint with:




Place them pretty close together, like about 2 walk steps from each other and even closer around difficult to navigate places.


For CTF maps, start at a flag, then go completly round trip to the opposite flag then back. Do it the same way you would do it if you are playing, that way, you can add some imagination to the bot play.


Once you have done that, keep on walking past all the other spots that you think the bot should visit (like weapons and powerups, etc), placing your waypoint as you go.


When done, save it and load it up, add some bots and see how they do.


It may take a few tries to get it right if the map is complex.


- Vorax

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