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Customizing Available MP cheats...?


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If there is ONE cheat that I cannot do without (for all us Jedi/Sith Battlemasters out there) it is the double-bladed lightsaber, a.k.a "The Destroyer".

While this cheat is incredibly fun to use when hosting a MP server, many players cannot resist the temptation to enable God mode, give all, and noclip; essentially ruining the gaming experience for those of us who just want to revel in the thrill of swinging our double-bladed sabers at each other. :D


As far as I am aware, the only way to solve this problem is to Hex/edit the original Game code, for somewhere in either the MP executable or the main .dll file is the data for what those codes are. This would allow only the server hosts to know these codes, essentially only allowing certain codes to be activated by the guests players. Thats right, no more superman-Jedi/sith you gravity defying bastards! :p Hehe...


Now, heres my question: What and where the hell are those codes, how could they be edited/changed, and if so, would the program still work?


Anyone who can come up with a solution to this little enigma will be in for some bad-ass double-lightsaber-n- fun (or a server full of supermen/women flying around, clashing their lightsabers) and a worthwhile gaming experience.

Perhaps someone should e-mail Raven?

I dunno how to go about that, but I will keep searching for information, as well as keeping everyone here who's interested up to date.

Wish me luck. ;)

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Believe it or not, I have succeeded. I managed to edit one of the source files, and I changed all the commonly used codes for multiplayer. This turned out to be rather simple (as long as you know what youre doing) and so now I have my server up, only allowing the cheat: /thedestroyer to be available for players.

Now, everyone can hack-n-slash their way around the level without having to worry about other players using God mode or noclip.


If anyone is interested, let me know and I will make the MOD available. In the interests of fun, it would be best if I did not reveal what the other codes actually are, lest they get out into the open and require me (or someone else) to re-edit the source file and change them again. Besides, if someone is clever enough, they will no doubt discover what they are anyway.


This MOD works just like any other, you simply put it in the base folder, and youre all set.


"The Force is strong with this one..."


Happy Slashing.



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Wow, that was fast.

Here is the link for download.

You will need to right click, and select "Save Target As" in order to download it successfully.




Simply extract the file from the zip folder and place it along with any "other" MODs you may be using.


Let me know if it is successful.

It works with my server, so it should work with anyone elses, in theory.

If it does, codes such as "god" and "noclip" should not function when typed on a server with cheats enabled.

Other codes like, kill, notarget, etc... will still work.


Heres a list of the "Changed" codes:




give all


The rest will work as far as I am aware, including /thedestroyer.


Have fun. :)

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Keeps failing? Proably due to the fact that its a Geocities link. If yahoo starts getting excessive ammounts of downloads, they temporarily disable the link. I'll just sumbit it here to the File database.


But before I do that, I have a question.

In the interests of gaming fun, who here thinks that it would be best if I just changed the undesired codes to something that cannot technically be used? e.g. Extended Ascii codes that cannot be recognized by the console (the text engine would have no support for them) or typed by the user?


This would prevent anyone including the server owners from enabling the other cheats, assuming that they discovered what I changed them to.


Comments? Suggestions? Please lemme know, and then I will submit it to the File database here for everyone to use.



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hey id love to join ur server and use the double bladed saber. whatst the ip adress and port? i cant ever find any game that even has cheats enabled thanks. and yea i think u should just totally get rid of the cheats not just change the name.

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My server is never constantly on, as I have ADSL internet. Soon enough though, I will have SDSL which will allow me to keep it running for as long as my computer doesnt crash.


As for now, when I happen to bring it up, It will be titled:


Uber Jedi: /thedestroyer is on!


I will bring it up between the hours of 5am and 1pm, Monday-Friday if I can afford the bandwidth.

Soon enough though, this mod will (hopefully) make its way onto many servers.

Its my quest to bring the double-bladed Lightsaber as a normal weapon to anyone who wants it.


Thanks for your input. :)

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Alas, I manage to make new discoveries everyday with Outcast.


While analyzing the seemingly numerous list of commands and server variables, I found some settings that might make a few of your power-gamers out there happier.


There are numerous options that can be enabled on the multiplayer server.

While running a MP server, (either dedicated or not) I found a few commands that you server hosts might be interested in playing with, assuming you already havent discovered them.

All of these paremeters work with the "set <variable> <value>" commands.


1) g_gravity <value>


--- This nice little variable lets you play with gravity on a given server. While 800 is standard, you can reduce this to 50 or less. I dont reccomend taking it lower than 50, as your characters will merely float about and never gain any vertical control.


2) g_speed <value>


--- This one is as its name implies. It allows you to adjust the game speed. Feel that your characters are moving too slowly? Or perhaps too fast? Well, you can set this to whatever you want. Be warned though, reaction times are almost impossible once you go above 1000, but it makes for some interesting natural force speed effects. Also, for those of you who like Slow-mo-Matrix style action, try setting this to around 75. You can even record a demo at this speed and watch you and your friends battle it out Bullet-Time Style. :cool:


3) bot_challenge <1 for yes, 0 for no>


--- Want to make your server seem like its full of people? Just enable this. It will allow you to duel with the bots on FFA or Holocron. A nice little "Filler" for when your minus a couple real players. ;)


4) g_forceRegenTime <value>


--- Now this ones where the action is. The default value for this is set at 200. This determines the ammount of time it takes you to recover force energy. Set it to 10, (which is the lowest ammount of time you can set) and watch your character surge with the force as if he had a permanent Force boon! Whats even more drooling is if you actually pick up a force boon with that set value. It will regenerate your force energy almost instantly, making you a virtual Force God. :D Hows that for some Medi-Chlorian counts?


My advice to server hosts: Please use this setting sparringly, or else you will have a virtual Force God war. Even with lower force ranks such as Jedi Adept, or Jedi Guardian, this setting can unbalance your server if you have too many players who flow with the Dark Side of the force...(I am looking forward to completing their training. In time, they will call me: "Master"...) :cool:


There are a few others such as "Dust" and "Breath", but I see no need to post them here, as they just eat up CPU and GPU cycles. Now if you are fortunate enough to have a computer with the power to handle it, by all means have at 'em. YOu can find all the variables in the console by typing: \cvarlist


Just another bit of information to add to the Uber Holocrons; care of the Humble, yet Uber Force Master, OmniDo. ;)



Has anyone found a way to allow for custome lightsaber ignition sounds? For example, lets say I want to play a sith, but I want my lightsaber to sound like a Sith Lightsaber when I turn it on.

Anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this with mods?

Or shall I return to staring at the machine code on my monitor whilst I attempt to alter the source code...


Keep me posted. :)

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Can ya make it so certain force powers aren't allowed? You know, like drain? Or all side-specific powers for that matter? Hehe then it would be a true match. Much better than using the Padawan setting anyway...

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I have succeeded it changing the multiplayer cheats for the new patch as well, and I will be uploading it to JK2.net shortly. The other codes have been made unavailable, and only the cheat "/thedestroyer" is allowed. However, one thing needs to be noted. Once this mod is downloaded, it will have to be removed from the directory if you want to enable those cheats again, otherwise they will be unavailable.

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