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How would you rate this CTF-Map??


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Let's see, where to begin. First of all, I think you're off to a great start (assuming of course that this is your ctf map) and you've captured a bit of Unreal Tournament (CTF Face) which is even better. Textures need some work, and imo, the map is a little small. You might try adding in some more into the middle, like tunnels of even have the level branch downward into some watery tunnels and such. If you decide to leave it the same size, you might consider making it a duel map. Other than that, here's my rating.



78% Could be worse, but for a first shot, not bad. Not bad a all. If Lord-Bluetooth decides to put some elbow grease into it, it could be a very promising map.




Azrael has spoken!

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