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My First sp map!


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ok im not nocking you m8 but its a little simplistic, though the first screen shows you have it in you to do some good work, that bridge is brilliant!


Second WAY TO MANY BAD GUYS it'll cause comps to chug


last thing looking at your map there are no combat points or waypoints, not to plug my thread but... look at NPCs AI and fun battles! OR experince mappers.....


just Beta test and you can pump out some awsome maps


like i said you got some talent and as a first attempt some areas excell. Hope this doesn't stop you mapping cause this community needs SP maps :)

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Yes, the bridge is simply fantastic!


Yet you need to develop a storyline or plot. It simply isn't enough just to add a bunch of baddies in an area and call it a good sp level. Create your theme abit more and maybe work on making thrilling scenes with 'feel-reel' environment, which will make your jaw drop rather than having every "hey you there!" creature chase after you.


Cheers ;)

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i make a story..but i can not say much, yet!


...you are in the ExecutorII (its a SuperSternenZerstörer(i can not find a english name for it..)

The First Executor was Darth Vaders ship...i was destroyed in Episode6!

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